Start a business in The Netherlands! New regulation for start-ups.

Nieuws- of startdatum
Thursday, 14 January, 2016 - 10:31

Entrepreneurs create jobs and economic growth. They develop new products that help address societal issues. The Netherlands is one of the 5 most competitive economies in the world.

A new Dutch regulation makes it possible for ambitious entrepreneurs to apply for a temporary residence permit for the Netherlands. The so-called residence permit ‘scheme for start-ups’ affords ambitious entrepreneurs one year to launch an innovative business. A prerequisite is that this start-up must be guided by an experienced mentor (facilitator) that is based in the Netherlands.

Well-equipped ambitious start-ups, sponsored by an experienced facilitator can submit an application at the Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service. This permit affords them one year to launch an innovative business. After one year, the start-up entrepreneur may have the duration of their residence permit extended on the basis of the Dutch government’s self-employment scheme.

Ambitious Entrepreneurship - an agenda for start-ups and growing businesses

The government wants to remove barriers and give ambitious entrepreneurs all possible scope for development. The barriers include access to capital and the tax authorities, access to innovation and knowledge, access to the Netherlands and the world, access to each other and supporting legislation and regulations. Ambitious entrepreneurs, and start-ups in particular, are a driving force behind the Dutch economy. The entrepreneurs are a source of innovation, internationalisation and productivity. This generates new jobs and therefore contributes significantly to economic growth and solutions to societal challenges.

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