Smokey tours in the slums of Manila


initiated by JoHo, and carried out by the Filipino NGO 'Bless the Children'


Bless the Children Foundation in Manila carries out all Smokey Slum tours. Bless is also the thriving power behind the training of the tourleaders from the slums.


For bookings, starting times and information about the tours:

Please contact Bless the Children Foundation in Manila directly by e-mail only!

Stating the following information in your e-mail to

(WhatsApp) number:
Number of people attending the tour:
Preferred date and time: (AM/PM; MM/DD/YY)
Preferred tour area:
Option 1: Smokey Mountain and Happyland Tour (Tondo, Manila)
Option 2: Baseco Tour (Port Area, Manila)




Smokey goals and initiatives


Smokey Projects - The Slum Tours

Smokey Projects - The Slum Tours



Smokey Tours Social Impact

Our Tour Leaders

  • We empower, train and give livelihood to people from impoverished areas to run safe and eye-opening tours for our guests in Manila. Our freelance Tour Leaders are an example in their communities; they learn, learn to take the lead and help others. It has been a journey to teach our freelancers work ethics and to coach them finding a future job somewhere else. Smokey Tours wants to be a stepping stone for our Tour Leaders, after 2 years they make place for new Tour Leaders.

Our Guests

  • We aim to raise awareness about social issues and to bridge the gap between people from different backgrounds. Our Slum Tour in particular gives our guests a chance to experience something unique. We hope to plant a seed in their conscience so that they think about the world and about helping out. 

Our Communities

  • We use 100% of the profit of the Slum Tour to improve the living conditions in underprivileged communities. We work towards the goal that our communities are equipped and empowered to create social change for themselves and others. We focus on Talent Development and we want to empower them and to help them to help themselves, so that they may learn to stand independently.

Our Covid Situation

  • BYSMP Bless the Children is educating, with the help of Smokey projects, new tourleaders to continue with the slum tour. To book tours, please contact them directly.



Bookings and information:

 Contact directly Bless the Children Foundation in Manila


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