Learn & Study Abroad: for science and wisdom

Study and gain knowledge to know more and act wise

JoHo World Summary Bank - JoHo World Study Bank  


JoHo study support & summaries


How can you find the JoHo summaries and study assistance?

How can you find the JoHo summaries and study assistance?

Where to find JoHo summaries and study notes?

  • You can find the JoHo summaries and study notes these days on WorldSupporter.org , where you can also find all contributions and summaries of all other WorldSupporters
  • For your memberships, insurances and contact JoHo you can go here on JoHo.org

How to use and find summaries, study notes en practice exams on JoHo WorldSupporter.org?

  • There are several ways to navigate the large amount of summaries, study notes en practice exams on JoHo WorldSupporter.

  • Use the menu above every page to go to one of the main starting pages

    • Starting pages: for some fields of study and some university curricula editors have created (start) magazines where customised selections of summaries are put together to smoothen navigation. When you have found a magazine of your likings, add that page to your favorites so you can easily go to that starting point directly from your profile during future visits. Below you will find some start magazines per field of study
  • Use the topics and taxonomy terms

    • The topics and taxonomy of the study and working fields gives you insight in the amount of summaries that are tagged by authors on specific subjects. This type of navigation can help find summaries that you could have missed when just using the search tools. Tags are organised per field of study and per study institution. Note: not all content is tagged thoroughly, so when this approach doesn't give the results you were looking for, please check the search tool as back up
  • Check or follow your study organization

    • by checking or using your study organization your you are likely to discover all relevant study materials.
    • this option is only available trough partner organizations
  • Check or follow fellow WorldSupporters (authors)

    • by following individual users, authors  you are likely to discover more relevant study materials.
  • Use the Search tools

    • 'Quick & Easy'- not very elegant but the fastest way to find a specific summary of a book or study assistance with a specific course or subject.
    • The search tool is also available at the bottom of most pages

Do you want to share your summaries with JoHo WorldSupporter and its visitors?


Study & JoHo WorldSupporter


WorldSupporter: What is JoHo Worldsupporter Project?

WorldSupporter: What is JoHo Worldsupporter Project?


Worldsupporter Website 


The 'WorldSupporter' platform

  • The JoHo WorldSupporter project is an online community in which individuals and organizations inspire and help each other on a local and global level
  • You can share and find everything to help someone else, travel responsibly, study well, develop yourself and work for an organization that creates a better world
  • You can gain knowledge, share experiences, answer questions, post comments and publish your own WorldSupporter CV
  • You can share your summaries, photos, blogs, magazines, events, sustainable recipes and tips for others
  • You can meet committed Supporters from over 150 countries and help make the world around them a better place

How do you use WorldSupporter?

  • You can create a WorldSupporter account in a few minutes and it is integrated into your Personal WorldSupporter profile.
  • Your WorldSupporter profile is comparable to your own platform for all content that you create or disable on WorldSupporter.
  • Your WorldSupporter profile also shows all content recently created by the organizations, groups and people you personally follow.
  • Your WorldSupporter profile indicates what you powerfully contribute to the world around you. It shows what you do for others, during your education, during your work, on holiday or in your spare time. The goal is to inspire others to contribute more to the development of the world of specifically your favorite projects and charities. Moreover, it is also a tool with which you can create a good picture for yourself or those around you of your activities, the role you play or the goals you want to achieve in life.
  • Snce WorldSupporter is an independent platform with its own mission and objective, you will also be asked to create your own WorldSupporter mini-CV so that your fellow supporters can get an idea of ​​you and you get a good idea of ​​the people and organizations you would will follow.
How can you use JoHo WorldSupporter for your studying?

How can you use JoHo WorldSupporter for your studying?

Your study, your knowledge, your personal development, your WorldSupporter

  • On the JoHo WorldSupporter platform you can, among other things, share international and local summaries and exchange experiences with your fellow students. You will find magazines from students, student organizations and many other Supporters who want to help each other

  • Summaries, practice materials for exams, and lecture notes that you can use for your studies are shared through these magazines

  • You can also share your knowledge on the platform and use your personal development to help others with their studies and careers. For example, you can share your self-made summaries or post your best study tips

  • Most of the JoHo practice materials and lecture notes can now also be found on WorldSupporter to contribute to a world of knowledge sharing and personal development


Partners & Projects


Partnerpage selection: summaries and study notes

Partnerpage selection: summaries and study notes

Partner selection: Accommodation & Hostels

Partner selection: Accommodation & Hostels


Insurances for activities abroad


Travel insurances & International insurances: introduction

Travel insurances & International insurances: introduction

Travel Insurances

  • A long trip is the adventure of a lifetime and will broaden your world view. Experience what it is like to live in a different culture and let it change you, for the better! Meet new and interesting people, make life long friends and be awed by totally different cultures and traditions.
  • Let those pictures of breathtaking views and chilled out crowds be an inspiration for your trip. JoHo is here to encourage you to make it happen and to help you prepare for the stressful sides of traveling. A change of diet (and not to mention hygiene) may upset your stomach. Something unexpected might happen back home that may cut your travels short. JoHo can help you find the tools to deal with these situations and be prepared for both the up- and the downsides of traveling!
  • A crucial part for a carefree journey is a good travel insurance. On this page you can read more about JoHo's travel insurances for backpackers and (longterm) travelers and what to care for.    

Why should you take out specialized travel insurance for a long trip abroad?

  • Regular travel or health insurances often only cover trips for a maximum number of days (for example 60, 90 or 180 days). This limits your flexibility!
  • Your health insurance from back home may not offer any coverage abroad or only in specific hospitals.
  • During a long trip you might undertake special activities like paid work or volunteering. Regular travel insurances usually don’t cover these kind of activities. The same goes for adventurous sports like skydiving, scuba diving and bungee jumping.

Options for Travel Insurance for a long trip abroad

Insurance for talent

International JoHo Insurances

JoHo Insurances provides advice on international insurances to everyone who goes abroad for a long time. Worldwide, for emigration, work, study and travel.

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