Member contact (EN) Change membership (EN) Member contact (NL)
- for asking advices, use of tools and adjusting personal data you can use the form below.. For opting out or ending your donation or subscriber services you use the form for changing or ending your membership (EN)
Changing your personal data when registering (donorship/subscription)
- To report a change to your personal data, use the international contactform .
- The changes are then processed in the registration administration.
Changing your personal data with an insurance policy
- To report a change to your personal data with an insurance, use the Contactform for JoHo insured .
- The changes are then processed in the insurance administration.
Changing your personal data on your account pages on or
- Do you want a new e-mail address to log in to your account page? Please use the international contactform This way you prevent later problems.
- On your account page itself, it is also possible to make some changes. These changes have no administrative consequences and cannot be used to communicate changes.
- As a JoHo member it is possible to change your membership to make use of more, or less, services and discounts.
- When you add a subscription it's always for the current calendar year, regardless of the moment of upgrading.
- For the current calendar year you only pay the difference between your current and new subscription.
- Cancellations are processed at January 1st of the next calendar year. Until then you can make use of the services and discounts of your current subscription.
- You can use the
- English webform for opting out or membership and account changes or use the Dutch webpage
- in case you are not on the right page already
Discover The World of JoHo..
- What is the JoHo mission, vision and concept?
- What is the JoHo target group?
- What are the JoHo core themes?
- How can JoHo support you?
- How can you support JoHo?
- What have JoHo and JoHo donors already achieved?
- What does the World of JoHo consist of?
- How can you use JoHo?
- What is the meaning of the term JoHo?
What is the JoHo mission, vision and concept?
JoHo WorldSupporter mission and vision:
- JoHo wants to enable people and organizations to develop and work better together, and thereby contribute to a tolerant tolerant and sustainable world. Through physical and online platforms, it support personal development and promote international cooperation is encouraged.
JoHo concept:
- As a JoHo donor, member or insured, you provide support to the JoHo objectives. JoHo then supports you with tools, coaching and benefits in the areas of personal development and international activities.
- JoHo's core services include: study support, competence development, coaching and insurance mediation when departure abroad.
What is the JoHo target group?
Core target groups
- Travelers, volunteers, workers, emigrants, and everyone involved in the world around them.
- Young people, students, interns, and anyone who want to develop themselves further.
- Projects, initiatives and organizations that are committed to international cooperation.
What are the JoHo core themes?
- Personal development: Learning, Studying, Working, Applying, Entrepreneurship, Initiating.
- International cooperation: Help, Travel, Arrange, Emigrate, Immigrate and Inspire.
How can JoHo support you?
- JoHo supports you with tools, decision aid, advice and discounts on articles, insurance, travel, activities, training, facilities, summaries and media use.
How can you support JoHo?
- By using the JoHo products and services you automatically support the goals of JoHo.
- You can also join JoHo online or in the support center as a donor or subscriber.
- JoHo donors make it possible for JoHo to have committed to successful projects in the field of development cooperation, knowledge sharing and talent development for years. Anyone who supports JoHo can also contribute to the projects and can make use of knowledge, decision aid and discounts.
What have JoHo and JoHo donors already achieved?
- To get an idea of the (direct and indirect) effects that you contribute to as a JoHo subscriber, donor and Worldsupporter, read more on the page with featured JoHo projects, initiatives, results and impact
What does the World of JoHo consist of?
- The JoHo platform for those who also want to do something for others, an online community and marketplace for global citizens, volunteers and involved companies.
- The JoHo platform for all your insurance, security measures, visa matters, vaccinations & arrangements for short and long stays abroad.
- The JoHo platform for personal development with tools for study, internship, work, travel and emigration.
- The JoHo platform where organizations are enabled to bring their projects, activities and vacancies to the attention of a target group that wants to mean something for the world around them.
How can you use JoHo?
- You can explore the World of JoHo through JoHo support centers, the online platforms and the events.
- Visit a JoHo World Experience Center, make an online discovery trip, visit JoHo at an event, or contact us.
- Read about contact with JoHo
What is the meaning of the term JoHo?
- The term JoHo has had multiple meanings over the years. Today, reference is made to a more than 2,000-year-old quote from Ashoka. On the banks of the Ganges, the Indian visionary and ruler Ashoka tried to convince his people that all peoples on earth are equal and can learn from each other: "Life is a Journey to Open-mindedness, Helpfulness and Optimism".
"Life is a Journey to Open-mindedness,
Helpfulness & Optimism."
JoHo Account
JoHo accounts: questions and answers about JoHo accounts (EN)
What to do when having trouble logging in?
- If you forgot your password, you can request a new password .
- You will receive a link by e-mail through which you can reset your password.
- Don't forget to change your password after you are logged in. You can change your password under the tab 'edit' and save your changes by clicking on 'save'.
- If you filled in a wrong password more than five times, your account will be temporarily blocked. Wait for a couple of hours (around six hours) and try again.
Changing your personal data when registering (donorship/subscription)
- To report a change to your personal data, use the international contactform .
- The changes are then processed in the registration administration.
Changing your personal data with an insurance policy
- To report a change to your personal data with an insurance, use the Contactform for JoHo insured .
- The changes are then processed in the insurance administration.
Changing your personal data on your account pages on or
- Do you want a new e-mail address to log in to your account page? Please use the international contactform This way you prevent later problems.
- On your account page itself, it is also possible to make some changes. These changes have no administrative consequences and cannot be used to communicate changes.
Where can I find information about JoHo's privacy policy?
- For more information about JoHo's use of data, see the privacy policy .
- If you have any question about your data or would like to ask for a data removal, please contact JoHo via this contact form .
JoHo & Memberships
JoHo Memberships: questions and answers about international memberships
JoHo membership: How can I join JoHo and apply for a membership?
- To support JoHo and receive various advantages and services in return you can become a JoHo member, starting from 5 euros per calendar year.
- You can apply for a JoHo membership by filling out the application form online or in one of the JoHo support centers.
- JoHo memberships are continuous and the annual contribution is for the period of one calendar year (1st of January until the 31st of December regardless of moment of registration).
JoHo membership: Which projects are supported by JoHo members?
- With the support of thousands of JoHo members projects and organizations are supported throughout the world
- Find out more about the projects and initiatives
JoHo membership: questions and answers about the annual contribution en the payment of a membership
When can you expect your annual contribution to be debited?
Ongoing donations and subscriptions always run per calendar year. The annual contribution is normally processed via direct debit at the end of the year (between December 15 and January 31). The first payment is usually made a few weeks after registration.
- This way, as a member, you can immediately use your new benefits in the new year and administrative changes can take effect for the new year.
- All members can see on their own account page what their annual contribution is and what benefits apply.
How can you cancel your subscription, get a refund and still remain a member?
- Some of the JoHo member with a subscription stop the subscription after a while and then remain a JoHo member for a lower contibution. This 'downgrade' also includes a downgrade arrangement.
- This arrangement means that you can receive a one-off refund of your entire subscription contribution from the previous year, or you can make a targeted donation. You will then remain a JoHo WorldSupporter member (€5 per calendar year) and you will continue to build up your saved JoHo credits.
- If you would like to report a change (for example terminating your subscription and downgrading to a lower contribution), please use the contact form for JoHo members
- Changes are automatically processed on January 1 of the following year. Until then, you can continue to use the current subscription.
- As a JoHo member it is possible to change your membership to make use of more, or less, services and discounts.
- When you add a subscription it's always for the current calendar year, regardless of the moment of upgrading.
- For the current calendar year you only pay the difference between your current and new subscription.
- Cancellations are processed at January 1st of the next calendar year. Until then you can make use of the services and discounts of your current subscription.
- You can use the
- English webform for opting out or membership and account changes or use the Dutch webpage
- in case you are not on the right page already
JoHo membership: How to opt out and end your JoHo support?
- JoHo memberships (and subscriptions) are continuous until you end your membership
- Ending your JoHo membership and subscription for the next calendar year can be requested up to one month before the end of the current calendar year
- Regardless of the moment of opting out, you'll get the discounts and services untill the end of the current calendar year
- You can also choose to change your subscription into' Online access only' for 10 euro a year
- You can keep supporting JoHo for 5 euro a year
- A JoHo membership can be ended by filling in the form for membership and account changes
- Your opting out will be processed automatically
WorldSupporter: What is JoHo Worldsupporter Project?
The 'WorldSupporter' platform
- The JoHo WorldSupporter project is an online community in which individuals and organizations inspire and help each other on a local and global level
- You can share and find everything to help someone else, travel responsibly, study well, develop yourself and work for an organization that creates a better world
- You can gain knowledge, share experiences, answer questions, post comments and publish your own WorldSupporter CV
- You can share your summaries, photos, blogs, magazines, events, sustainable recipes and tips for others
- You can meet committed Supporters from over 150 countries and help make the world around them a better place
How do you use WorldSupporter?
- You can create a WorldSupporter account in a few minutes and it is integrated into your Personal WorldSupporter profile.
- Your WorldSupporter profile is comparable to your own platform for all content that you create or disable on WorldSupporter.
- Your WorldSupporter profile also shows all content recently created by the organizations, groups and people you personally follow.
- Your WorldSupporter profile indicates what you powerfully contribute to the world around you. It shows what you do for others, during your education, during your work, on holiday or in your spare time. The goal is to inspire others to contribute more to the development of the world of specifically your favorite projects and charities. Moreover, it is also a tool with which you can create a good picture for yourself or those around you of your activities, the role you play or the goals you want to achieve in life.
- Snce WorldSupporter is an independent platform with its own mission and objective, you will also be asked to create your own WorldSupporter mini-CV so that your fellow supporters can get an idea of you and you get a good idea of the people and organizations you would will follow.
Summaries & JoHo: questions and answers for international students in the Netherlands
What types of summaries and study assistance does JoHo offer?
JoHo summaries and study materials can be found in 6 different forms:
Book summaries
- JoHo Book summaries of textbooks or professional literature give you insight into the main and side issues of the most essential and current literature in your field
BulletPoint Summaries
- JoHo BulletPoint summaries are ultra-short summaries displayed in bullets
- BulletPoints can also consist of glossary and definition lists or stamp questions
Article summaries
- JoHo Article Summaries are complete summaries of scientific articles that you will use during and after your studies
- The essence of this can often be expressed in a few paragraphs or sometimes even a few sentences
- JoHo ExamTickets consist of short bullets with subject-oriented exam tips and sample questions, so that you know what you have to learn and how you should study
- JoHo Exam Tests consist of bundles of exam and practice questions that provide extra understanding, test your knowledge and give insight into the way in which an exam will be taken
Study Notes & Sheets
- JoHo Study notes and sheets are summaries of lectures, working groups that give you more insight into what is considered important by teachers.
How can you find the JoHo summaries and study assistance?
Where to find JoHo summaries and study notes?
- You can find the JoHo summaries and study notes these days on , where you can also find all contributions and summaries of all other WorldSupporters
- For your memberships, insurances and contact JoHo you can go here on
How to use and find summaries, study notes en practice exams on JoHo
There are several ways to navigate the large amount of summaries, study notes en practice exams on JoHo WorldSupporter.
Use the menu above every page to go to one of the main starting pages
- Starting pages: for some fields of study and some university curricula editors have created (start) magazines where customised selections of summaries are put together to smoothen navigation. When you have found a magazine of your likings, add that page to your favorites so you can easily go to that starting point directly from your profile during future visits. Below you will find some start magazines per field of study
Use the topics and taxonomy terms
- The topics and taxonomy of the study and working fields gives you insight in the amount of summaries that are tagged by authors on specific subjects. This type of navigation can help find summaries that you could have missed when just using the search tools. Tags are organised per field of study and per study institution. Note: not all content is tagged thoroughly, so when this approach doesn't give the results you were looking for, please check the search tool as back up
Check or follow your study organization
- by checking or using your study organization your you are likely to discover all relevant study materials.
- this option is only available trough partner organizations
Check or follow fellow WorldSupporters (authors)
- by following individual users, authors you are likely to discover more relevant study materials.
Use the Search tools
- 'Quick & Easy'- not very elegant but the fastest way to find a specific summary of a book or study assistance with a specific course or subject.
- The search tool is also available at the bottom of most pages
Do you want to share your summaries with JoHo WorldSupporter and its visitors?
- Check out: Why and how to add a WorldSupporter contributions
- JoHo members: JoHo WorldSupporter members can share content directly and have access to all content: Join JoHo and become a JoHo member
- Non-members: When you are not a member you do not have full access, but if you want to share your own content with others you can fill out the contact form
How to get online access to your summaries on JoHo
How to get online access to summaries on JoHo
1 - Join JoHo here on by choosing a JoHo membership with online access
2 - Go to and create an account with the same email address
3 - State your JoHo Membership during the creation of your account, and you can start using the services
- You have online access to all free + all exclusive summaries and study notes on and
- You can use all services on JoHo (EN/NL)
- You can make use of the tools for work abroad, long journeys, voluntary work, internships and study abroad on (Dutch service)
Already an account?
- In case you have previously created a WorldSupporter account then, after registering with JoHo, you can change your status on your WorldSupporter account to membership with full online access. Edit your account and see under 'Profile' for the change.
- Note: Again, you must have used the same email address.
How do you know whether you can already use, order or pick up a JoHo summary online?
How do you check the status of summaries and study assistance per subject?
- You can find the status of a new summary via the the assortment guide on
- If the status is set to 'Published', the online summary can be used immediately by JoHo subscribers and the print summary can be ordered immediately for pickup or to have it sent to your home.
- If the status is set to 'Expected', this means that the summaries are still being written and/or edited.
- If a summary is expected, an indication of the publication date is always indicated. In practice, summaries, or the first part of the summaries, are often published before the expected dates.
- JoHo strives to make the summary available at latest on the expected date, but it is of course possible that this will be changed.
- Authors often work under great time pressure and in a number of cases the prescribed literature is known late. Thank you in advance for understanding if this causes delay in a single case.
What are the options for getting free Print summaries?
Pick up at your study association
- The possibilities may differ per study association and there may be different times when it is possible to pick up
- In the summaries shop of your study year you can see if, how and when there are pick-up options and your study association will also communicate about it via social media and websites.
Pick up at a support center
- Weekly pick-up options are available in one of the JoHo support centers of your own student association. For the current pick-up times, see the contact with JoHo page
Who makes the JoHo summaries and study assistance?
JoHo works with authors who have completed and understood the courses and subjects at an earlier stage (Master students, graduates, tutors) and who are therefore considered able to stand 'above the material'. The notes of the lectures and tutorials are made by students who follow the course themselves.
The quality per author can of course differ, but in general the summaries are of high quality.
Understanding requested: it is possible that the authors of JoHo, when making lecture notes or summaries of which the literature is published late, work under great time pressure and occasionally do not meet their average quality. This is generally indicated with the relevant summary and this summary can then be used online free of charge.
Master students, graduates, tutors
- Create summaries of books and articles
- Create subject-oriented ExamTests, sample questions and ExamTickets
Senior students, rehearsals, experienced JoHo authors
- Create subject-oriented ExamTests, sample questions and ExamTickets
- Check and edit summaries of books and articles
Students taking courses
- Create lecture notes and sheetnotes
- Check and edit exam tips, sample questions and ExamTickets
How can you use JoHo WorldSupporter for your studying?
Your study, your knowledge, your personal development, your WorldSupporter
On the JoHo WorldSupporter platform you can, among other things, share international and local summaries and exchange experiences with your fellow students. You will find magazines from students, student organizations and many other Supporters who want to help each other
Summaries, practice materials for exams, and lecture notes that you can use for your studies are shared through these magazines
You can also share your knowledge on the platform and use your personal development to help others with their studies and careers. For example, you can share your self-made summaries or post your best study tips
Most of the JoHo practice materials and lecture notes can now also be found on WorldSupporter to contribute to a world of knowledge sharing and personal development
Who can pass an exam with JoHo summaries and study assistance?
Passing your exam with JoHo summaries and study assistance
It often happens that students pass their exams by only studying and practicing with the JoHo summaries and study assistance - especially if the different JoHo’s are used.
The final result is of course related to many more factors and the use of JoHo's therefore gives no guarantee of success.
JoHo recommends using the JoHo’s as additional tools and not as a substitute for, for example, attending lectures or studying books.
You can also use the specific JoHo ExamTickets that are often given with the JoHo’s for the best preparation.
JoHo Services: questions and answers about JoHo pinpoints and sponsored summaries in 2023 (EN)
What are JoHo PinPoints in 2023?
What are JoHo PinPoints?
- JoHo PinPoints are points that you can use to order free printed summaries
- You can use JoHo PinPoints for both the pick-up service and the delivery service.
- JoHo subscribers receive a minimum of 10 PinPoints per year
How can you use JoHo Pinpoints for extra benefits in 2023?
How can you use JoHo PinPoints to pick-up free summaries or have them delivered to your home?
- Go to the print shop of your study program
- Log in, check your Pinpoints (request extra PinPoints if you don't have enough)
- Add the printed summaries to your shopping cart
- Choose to pick up at a pickup location
- Pick up your order during one of the pick-up moments
How can you get new or extra Pinpoints in 2023?
How many PinPoints do JoHo subscribers get per year?
- Every year as a subscriber you will receive 10 new PinPoints at the start of the year.
How can you get extra PinPoints through the partners affiliated with JoHo?
- Several JoHo partners can have members or customers request extra PinPoints from JoHo for extra benefits.
- To request additional JoHo PinPoints, fill in a contact form stating the JoHo partner you are affiliated with.
- The extra PinPoints will be on your account within two working days
Can you also order extra PinPoints?
Yes, if you need extra PinPoints, you can also order these
- Go to Extra JoHo pinpoints for subscribers
- Choose one PinPoint for 2.50 or five for 10 euros
- Pay with Ideal, PayPal or credit card
- The extra PinPoints will be added directly to your account.
What are JoHo summaries & study notes?
JoHo summaries of study books
- JoHo summaries will save you time, provide you with insight in primary and secundary key topics and will enhance your chances at the midterms or finals. JoHo summaries are based on the required readings and latest edition of a book. For decades JoHo summaries have been the most widely used tool in preparations for exams
JoHo BulletPoint summaries
- BulletPoint summaries are concise summaries of books. Using BulletPoint summaries is convenient when you want to practice the most important topics before the exam. You can rehearse your knowledge easily, accessing them during a trainride, in the library, or at the last minute before an exam.
JoHo summaries of articles
- Course readings often include a variety of (scholarly) articles. Usually the key topics of these articles can be presented in a few paragraphs or even sentences. JoHo summaries will help you to easily extract the essence of articles. When you finish your degree you will find ample opportunities in which you can use the summaries of articles to keep yourself updated on the scholarly development within your area of expertise.
JoHo lecture notes
- If you have missed a lecture or group meeting due to illness, a hangover, because the teacher is impossible to understand or when you don't have the time to watch it online, it is great to have lecture notes at your disposal from someone who sat in the front of the lecture theatre. Reading lecture notes often provides you with more insight in what teachers find important and gives a great overview of all the different topics discussed during the course.
- JoHo & Memberships: Join JoHo Registration Form
- JoHo & Memberships: Join JoHo (as international student in NL)
- JoHo & Memberships: Join JoHo (as World Supporter)
- JoHo & Memberships: Changes (EN)
- JoHo & Memberships: Choices (EN)
- JoHo & Memberships: Contact (EN)
- JoHo & Memberships: Perks (EN)
- JoHo & Memberships: Rules (EN)