Smokey Art Center: Boxless Society
- The Boxless Society will help the community in Baseco with art workshops, with the goal to discover Talents of the residents.
- In a society that is increasingly becoming insensitive to the plight of people with mental illness, we have taken the cudgels to promote the advocacy of eliminating all shame and stigma and creating a support group for artists with mental illness and their caregivers – Boxless Society.
- We believe that mental illness is nothing more than an illness, nothing more, nothing less. That it is not a mental disability if the person affected can function in society provided the illness, like all other illnesses, is properly managed.
- Smokey Projects - The Slum Tours
- Smokey Projects - The Safety in the Slums
- Smokey Projects - The Training Center
- Smokey Projects - The Waste Recycling
- Smokey Projects - The Community Library
- Smokey Projects - The Art Center
- Smokey Projects - The Health Center
- Smokey Projects - Insurances for Talent
- JoHo donaties and projectsteun: content en thema's
- Smokey Projects - The Slum Tours
- Smokey Projects - The Safety in the Slums
- Smokey Projects - The Training Center
- Smokey Projects - The Waste Recycling
- Smokey Projects - The Community Library
- Smokey Projects - The Art Center
- Smokey Projects - The Health Center
- Smokey Projects - Insurances for Talent
- JoHo donaties and projectsteun: content en thema's
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