Summaries: Available Free Online Study Material


Summaries & Study Help


Course / Book NameFromRemarks
Online study material, books and reports about AgricultureUNESCO 
Agriculture coursesCourseraEnroll in online courses, get feedback and "meet" fellow students. You need to register.
College of Agriculture and Life SciencesCornell UniversityThe website contains a research database, with hundreds of scholarly articles from around the world. The entire database is accessible via RefShare, with no account login necessary. It also provides general information about Conservation Agriculture.

American and Canadian Studies

Course / Book NameFromRemarks
American studies coursesUC BerkeleyVideolectures
US History since 1877 - BookRoss-NazzalAvailable in PDF

US History Source Book - Basic

US History Source Book - Advanced

K-12Available in PDF
American Society: How it actually works - BookWright and RogersEach Chapter is available in PDF



Course / Book NameFromRemarks
Anthropology CoursesMITFor some of the courses no books are required. Others have very good lecture notes.
Anthropology CoursesAcademic EarthWatch lectures online


Arabic and Middle Eastern Studies

Course / Book NameFromRemarks
Islamic society courses Notre Dame UniversityVery thorough course description, but books are required.


Course / Book NameFromRemarks
Architecture coursesMITSome courses do not require a book.
Architecture coursesAcademic EarthWatch lectures online.


Asian Studies

Course / Book NameFromRemarks
Asian language and culture coursesMITFor some of the courses no books are required.
Korean Language - BooksCho, Cho and LingAvailable in PDF, including audiofiles.



Course / Book NameFromRemarks
Astronomy coursesUC BerkeleyLecture videos.
Astronomy tutorial videosKhan AcademyIncluding exercises.
Astronomy coursesAcademic EarthWatch lectures online.
Physics: From Stargazers to Starships - BookCK-12Available in PDF






Business and Management


Course / Book NameFromRemarks
Management CoursesMITSome courses do not require a book.
Management CoursesNJITVideo lectures
Management CoursesVU PakistanSome courses do not require a book.
Digital Management BooksBookboonMore than 75 book available in PDF. It is obligatory to create an account.
Online study material, books and Reports about Business and ManagementUNESCO 
Business and Management coursesCourseraEnroll in online courses, get feedback and "meet" fellow students. You need to register.
Business coursesAcademic EarthWatch lectures online
Corporate Finance BookIvo WelchEntirely online
Information Technology for Management - BookLucasAvailable in PDF. You can only download if you upload something yourself.
Business CoursesEducational PortalWatch lectures online
Business CoursesUdacityEnroll in online courses, get feedback and "meet" fellow students. You need to register.
Follow a major in Business AdministrationSaylorA major consists of about 20 courses, which each include readings and assessments.



Course / Book NameFromRemarks
General Chemistry BookLower and FraserChapters are downloadable in PDF.
Chemistry CoursesMITSome courses do not require a book.
Chemistry coursesUC BerkeleyLecture videos.
Chemistry coursesUmass BostonLecture audio.
Chemistry tutorial videos Khan AcademyIncluding exercises
Chemistry booksBookboonYou will need to sign up
Chemistry booksCourseraEnroll in online courses, get feedback and "meet" fellow students. You need to register.
Chemistry coursesAcademic EarthWatch lectures online.
Organic Chemistry - bookSoderbergOnline book
Organic Chemistry - bookLowerOnline book
Chemistry coursesEducational PortalWatch lectures online
Chemistry coursesedXEnroll in online courses, get feedback and "meet" fellow students. You need to register.
Chemistry modulesCK-12 
Get help from other students OpenStudyAn open study community where students can meet and discuss questions concerning different topics, to enhance their learning experience.
Follow a Major in ChemistrySaylorA major consists of about 20 courses, which each include readings and assessments.

Computer skills


Course / Book NameFroRemarks
Online study material, books and reports to gain computer skillsUNESCO 
Introduction in the use of main computer programsGCF 

Computer science and IT

Course / Book NameFromRemarks
Computer science coursesMITFor some courses no books are needed
Computer science coursesVU PakistanVideo lectures and books.
Basic programming tutorial videosKhan Academy 
Digital IT & Programming booksBookboonA large variety
Computer science coursesCourseraEnroll in online courses, get feedback and "meet" fellow students. You need to register.
Computer science coursesAcademic EarthWatch lectures online
Artificial Intelligence - BookPoole and MackworthOnline
Think Java - BookDowneyAvailable in PDF
Think Phyton - BookDowneyAvailable in PDF
Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms  - BookMacKayAvailable in PDF
Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation - BookKrishnamurthiAvailable in PDF
Prolog and Natural Languages - BookPereira and ShieberOnline
Computer science coursesedXEnroll in online courses, get feedback and "meet" fellow students. You need to register.
Phyton for Informatics: Exploring Information - BookChuckAvailable in many different formats
Computer science coursesUdacityEnroll in online courses, get feedback and "meet" fellow students. You need to register.
Get help from other students OpenStudyAn open study community where students can meet and discuss questions concerning different topics, to enhance their learning experience.
Follow a Computer Science MajorSaylorA major consists of about 20 courses, which each include readings and assessments.

Do you know of free material that we have forgotten? Please let us know by sending an e-mail to

Cognitive science

Course / Book NameFromRemarks
Brain and Cognitive science coursesMITFor some courses no books are needed
Cognitive Science coursesUC BerkeleyVideo lectures
Videos about NeuroscienceUCSD 
Neuroscience coursesCourseraEnroll in online courses, get feedback and "meet" fellow students. You need to register.

Earth Sciences


Course / Book NameFromRemarks
Earth Science CoursesMITFor some courses no books are needed
Earth Science CoursesUC BerkeleyVideo Lectures
Geoscience booksBookboon 
Earth science coursesCourseraEnroll in online courses, get feedback and "meet" fellow students. You need to register.
Earth science coursesAcademic EarthOnline video lectures
Physical Oceanography - BookStewartAvailable in PDF



Course / Book NameFromRemarks
Economics CoursesMITSome courses do not require a book
Economics CoursesVU PakistanSome courses do not require a book
Economics and Finance Tutorial VideosKhan AcademyIncluding exercises
Economics Economics booksBookboonAvailable in PDF
Online Study Material, Books and Reports about Economics and Sustainable DevelopmentUNESCO 
Economics CoursesCourseraEnroll in online courses, get feedback and "meet" fellow students. You need to register.
Economics CoursesAcademic EarthWatch lectures online
Economics CoursesEducation PlatformWatch lectures online
Project Based Economics - BookCK-12Available in PDF
Follow a Major in EconomicsSaylorA major consists of about 20 courses, which each include readings and assessments.


Course / Book NameFromRemarks
Education CoursesEastern Mediterranean UniversityYou will need to create an account
Online study material, books and reports about EducationUNESCO 
Education CoursesCourseraEnroll in online courses, get feedback and "meet" fellow students. You need to register.
Education CoursesAcademic EarthWatch lectures online.
Education Psychology - BookSutton and SeifertAvailable in PDF


Course / Book NameFromRemarks
Engineering coursesMITSome courses do not require a book
Engineering coursesUC BerkeleyVideo lectures
Engineering booksBookbook 
Online study material, books and reports about EngineeringUNESCO 
Engineering coursesCourseraEnroll in online courses, get feedback and "meet" fellow students. You need to register.
Engineering coursesAcademic EarthWatch lectures online
Engineering coursesedXEnroll in online courses, get feedback and "meet" fellow students. You need to register.
Get help from other students OpenStudyAn open study community where students can meet and discuss questions concerning different topics, to enhance their learning experience.


Course / Book NameFromRemarks
English Grammar courseAthabasca UniversityOnline course, including excercises.
English coursesEducational PlatformWatch lectures online
Basis Speller Student Materials - BookCK-12Available in PDF
Commonsense Composition - BookCK-12Available in PDF
Get help from other students OpenStudyAn open study community where students can meet and discuss questions concerning different topics, to enhance their learning experience.

Environmental Sciences

Course / Book NameFromRemarks
Without the Hot Air - BookMacKayAbout different forms of energy
Environmental science coursesUC BerkeleyVideo lectures
Environmental science course "The Habitable Planet"Annenberg foundation 
Energy & Environment booksBookboon 
Online study material, books and reports about Environmental ScienceUNESCO 
Online Energy courseedXEnroll in online courses, get feedback and "meet" fellow students. You need to register.

European Studies

Course / Book NameFromRemarks
European language and culture coursesMITSome courses do not require a book.



Course / Book NameFromRemarks
Geography coursesUC Berkeley 


Do you know of free material that we have forgotten? Please let us know by sending an e-mail to


Gender studies

Course / Book NameFromRemarks
Gender studies coursesMITSome courses do not require books.
Online study material, books and reports about Gender issuesUNESCO 


Course / Book NameFromRemarks
Health coursesUC BerkeleyVideo lectures
Healthcare and medicine tutorial videosKhan Academy 
Health booksBookboon 
Online study material, books and reports about HealthUNESCO 
Health coursesCourseraEnroll in online courses, get feedback and "meet" fellow students. You need to register.
Health coursesedXEnroll in online courses, get feedback and "meet" fellow students. You need to register.
Health coursesAcademic EarthWatch lectures online
Get help from other students OpenStudyAn open study community where students can meet and discuss questions concerning different topics, to enhance their learning experience.


Course / Book NameFromRemarks
History courseMITSome courses do not require a book.
History coursesUC BerkeleyLecture videos
History tutorial videosKhan AcademyWith online exercises
History coursesAcademic EarthWatch lectures online
History coursesEducational PortalWatch lectures online
Get help from other students OpenStudyAn open study community where students can meet and discuss questions concerning different topics, to enhance their learning experience.
Follow a major in History or Art History SaylorA major consists of about 20 courses, which each include readings and assessments.

International Relations

Course / Book NameFromRemarks
International Relations CoursesAcademic EarthWatch lectures online

Latin American Studies

Course / Book NameFromRemarks
TEMOACenter for Innovation in Technology and Education, Tecnológico de Monterrey SystemOpen Educational Resources in Latin-America.
Latin American language and culture coursesMITSome courses do not require a book.
Spanish Itunes bookNanceApple software is needed to access the book.
CLARISE (Comunidad Latinoamericana Abierta Regional de Investigación Social y Educativa)Universidad TEC, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Universidad de la Sabana, Universidad de Costa Rica, Universidad de la RepúblicaOpen Educational Resources in Latin-America.

La casa de la ensenaza y el aprendizaje

Red Iberoamericana para el Desarrollo Sustentable A.C., Dirección General de Educación Indígena, la Universidad Veracruzana, el Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología.Open Educational Resources in Latin-America.



Available Free Online Study Material

Course / Book NameFromRemarks
Law for Computing students - bookBookboonYou will need to sign up
Law for Business students - bookBookboonYou will need to sign up
Evidence, Proof and Justice - bookBookboonYou will need to sign up
Online study material, books and reports about Law and Human RightsUNESCO 
Law CoursesCoursera 
Law CoursesAcademic Earth 


Course / Book NameFromRemarks
Literature CoursesMITSome courses do not require a book.
Literature CoursesNJITVideo lectures
Introduction to World Literature CourseAnnenberg foundationComplete online course
Get help from other students OpenStudyAn open study community where students can meet and discuss questions concerning different topics, to enhance their learning experience.
Follow a major in English Literature SaylorA major consists of about 20 courses, which each include readings and assessments.


Course / Book NameFromRemarks
Introduction to Calculus I - CourseAthabasca UniversityFor some parts of the course a book is needed, but a lot can be learned without.
Mathematics coursesEast Mediterranean UniversityA book is required for the largest part of these courses, but exercises for several topics are freely available.
Elementary Statistics - CourseFoothill – de Anza community college districtEntire online course
Mathematics coursesMITFor some courses no book is needed.
Mathematics courseAnnenberg foundationEntirely online, no textbook needed
Tutorial VideosKhanacadamyWith online exercises
Online textbooksBookboonYou will need to sign up with an e-mailadres
Math coursesCourseraEnroll in online courses, get feedback and "meet" fellow students. You need to register.
Math courses Academic EarthWatch lectures online
Math coursesEducational PortalWatch lectures online
Math coursesedXEnroll in online courses, get feedback and "meet" fellow students. You need to register.
Abstract Algebra bookAshAvailable as PDF
Abstract Algebra: Theory and Applications bookShlomo and LoomisAvailable as PDF
Advanced Calculus bookShlomo and LoomisAvailable as PDF
Basics of Algebra, Topology and Differential Calculus bookGallierAvailable as PDF


Basic Concepts of Mathematics

Mathematical Analysis I and II

An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers

The Trillia Group

Available as PDFs
Basic Probability and Statistics - BookCK-12 FoundationAvailable in PDF, including exercises.
Book of ProofHammackAbout proving mathematical theorems, available in PDF
Mathematics coursesUdacityEnroll in online courses, get feedback and "meet" fellow students. You need to register.
Get help from other students OpenStudyAn open study community where students can meet and discuss questions concerning different topics, to enhance their learning experience.
Follow a major in MathematicsSaylorA major consists of about 20 courses, which each include readings and assessments.

Media and communication



Course / Book NameFromRemarks
Philosophy coursesMITSome courses do not require a book.
Philosophy coursesUC BerkeleyVideo lectures
Philosophy coursesAcademic EarthWatch lectures online
For all x: An Introduction into Formal logic - BookMagnusAvailable as PDF




Available Free Online Study Material


Course / Book NameFromRemarks
Physics coursesMITSome courses can be followed without a textbook.
Physics coursesUC BerkeleyWatch lectures as youtube videos or listen as podcasts
Complete online Physics introduction courseAnnenberg foundation 
Tutorial VideosKhan AcadamyWith online exercises
Digital Physics bookOpenstax college 
Videos about PhysicsUCSD 
Physics coursesCourseraEnroll in online courses, get feedback and "meet" fellow students. You need to register.
Physics coursesAcademic EarthWatch lectures online
Physics coursesedxEnroll in online courses, get feedback and "meet" fellow students. You need to register.

The Age of Einstein - Book

Essential Physics 1 - Book

FirkAvailable in PDF
Calculas Based Physics - BookSchnickAvailable in PDF
Electromagnetic Field Theory - BookThidéAvailable in PDF
Physics BooksCrowellAvailable in PDF
Fields - BookSiegelAvailable in PDF
Physics coursesUdacityEnroll in online courses, get feedback and "meet" fellow students. You need to register.
Get help from other students OpenStudyAn open study community where students can meet and discuss questions concerning different topics, to enhance their learning experience.

Political science

Course / Book NameFromRemarks
Political Science CoursesMITSome courses do not require a book.
Political Science CoursesAcademic EarthWatch lectures online


Course / Book NameFromRemarks
Psychology CoursesVU UniversityVideo lectures, and some courses do not require a book.
Psychology CoursesCourseraEnroll in online courses, get feedback and "meet" fellow students. You need to register.
Psychology CoursesAcademic EarthWatch lectures online
Psychology CoursesEducational PortalWatch lectures online
Education PsychologySutton and SeifertAvailable as PDF
Psychology CoursesUdacityEnroll in online courses, get feedback and "meet" fellow students. You need to register.


Course / Book NameFromRemarks
Sociology - BookMarenco, Coleman, MA and AlvaradoAvailable in PDF
Introduction to Sociology - BookOpenstax CollegeAvailable in PDF
Sociology CoursesAcademic EarthWatch lectures online
Sociology CoursesEducational PortalWatch lectures online


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Do you know of free material that we have forgotten? Please let us know by sending an e-mail to


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