Cooperating with JoHo: insurances through JoHo

JoHo & Insurance cooperation


Comprehensive product range

  • JoHo is one of the few organisations where you can directly purchase a comprehensive range of foreign insurances from a variety of insurers. As with our other products and services, we believe that you should be able to choose between the best, the most cost effective and the most specialised insurance.

Combinations possible

  • JoHo offers various possibilities from combining insurances to assisting in transferring from one insurer to another.

No price difference

  • When you purchase an insurance policy through JoHo, you will not pay anymore than if you had purchased it directly from the insurer. Sometimes (through special collective agreements) you will pay even less.

Extra support

  • JoHo offers support with problems that may arise with the insurer. Sometimes disagreement with claims, cancellation notice or insurance premiums can occur. In this situation it helps if you have the assistance of an organisation who has an established relationship with the insurer.


  • JoHo Insurances have been working with international health insurance providers since many years



Insurances for travellings, doing an internships, volunteering or working (holiday) abroad

  • If you run an organization and are looking for an opportunity to insure yourself, your colleagues or your clients properly, you can benefit through JoHo from 'expertise', 'discount' or 'fee' advantages

Insurances for working and living abroad

  • If you run an organization and are looking for an opportunity to insure yourself, your colleagues or your clients properly, you can get free advice and/or make use of JoHo's expatservice



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