How can you use JoHo PinPoints to pick-up free summaries or have them delivered to your home?
- Go to the print shop of your study program
- Log in, check your Pinpoints (request extra PinPoints if you don't have enough)
- Add the printed summaries to your shopping cart
- Choose to pick up at a pickup location
- Pick up your order during one of the pick-up moments
- How do you get free sponsored summaries and what do summaries cost when they are not sponsored?
- How do you know whether you can already use, order or pick up a JoHo summary online?
- What are JoHo PinPoints in 2023?
- How can you use JoHo Pinpoints for extra benefits in 2023?
- How can you get new or extra Pinpoints in 2023?
- How do you get free sponsored summaries and what do summaries cost when they are not sponsored?
- How do you know whether you can already use, order or pick up a JoHo summary online?
- What are JoHo PinPoints in 2023?
- How can you use JoHo Pinpoints for extra benefits in 2023?
- How can you get new or extra Pinpoints in 2023?
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