How can you get new or extra Pinpoints in 2023?


How many PinPoints do JoHo subscribers get per year?

  • Every year as a subscriber you will receive 10 new PinPoints at the start of the year.

How can you get extra PinPoints through the partners affiliated with JoHo?

  • Several JoHo partners can have members or customers request extra PinPoints from JoHo for extra benefits.
  • To request additional JoHo PinPoints, fill in a contact form stating the JoHo partner you are affiliated with.
  • The extra PinPoints will be on your account within two working days

Can you also order extra PinPoints?

Yes, if you need extra PinPoints, you can also order these

  1. Go to Extra JoHo pinpoints for subscribers
  2. Choose one PinPoint for 2.50 or five for 10 euros
  3. Pay with Ideal, PayPal or credit card
  4. The extra PinPoints will be added directly to your account.

Memberservice: Make personal notes

When you are a JoHo member, you can make your own notes, which will then be displayed in the 'notes' field. These notes are and will only be visible to you. So you can make personal notes or, for example, give your own answers to questions

Chapters: How does it work?


  • Navigate to parent or related web pages


  • Add this page to your personal lists

  • The lists are available in the footer of every page

  • Adding pages is a JoHo member service

My JoHo

  • You'll find all information about your membership & JoHo services on your user page


  • You'll find the option to upgrade your membership to the level you need to view all information

My Notes

  • You'll find the option to make an read your personal notes, after logging in

  • Making personal notes is a JoHo member service

Print this

  • You'll find an option to converse this page into a convenient print version

  • This option is a JoHo member service

Related Bundles

  • By using the JoHo bundles you can navigate to the next page, chapter or content

Add Footprints or Bookmarks
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