JoHo Pinpoints tot 2023


Pinpoints: service voor abonnees en verzekerden






JoHo Pinpoints & Introductie

Wat zijn JoHo Pinpoints in 2023?

Wat zijn JoHo Pinpoints in 2023?

JoHo PinPoints

  • JoHo PinPoints werden tot 2023 gebruik om gratis geprinte samenvattingen te bestellen. In 2024 en 2025 is niet langer nodig om je geprinte samenvattingen vooraf te bestellen.
  • Je kunt JoHo PinPoints inzetten voor zowel de afhaalservice als de bezorgservice. 
  • JoHo abonnees (en verzekerden) krijgen jaarlijks minimaal 10 PinPoints


Pinpoints krijgen & Bijbestellen

Hoe kun je JoHo Pinpoints inzetten voor extra voordeel in 2023?

Hoe kun je JoHo Pinpoints inzetten voor extra voordeel in 2023?

Hoe kun je JoHo PinPoints inzetten om gratis samenvattingen af te halen of thuis te laten bezorgen?

  1. Ga naar de printshop van jouw opleiding

  2. Log in, check je Pinpoints (vraag extra Pinpoints aan indien je er niet genoeg hebt)

  3. Voeg de geprinte samenvattingen toe aan je winkelmandje

  4. Kies voor afhalen bij een pickupbalie

  5. Haal je bestelling op tijdens een van de afhaalmomenten

Hoe kun je aan nieuwe of extra Pinpoints komen in 2023?

Hoe kun je aan nieuwe of extra Pinpoints komen in 2023?

Hoeveel PinPoints krijgen JoHo abonnees per jaar?

  • Ieder jaar worden je JoHo PinPoints weer aangevuld tot 10 bij de start van het kalenderjaar.

Hoe kun je aan extra PinPoints komen via de bij JoHo aangesloten partners?

  • Verschillende JoHo partners kunnen leden of klanten extra PinPoints laten aanvragen bij JoHo voor extra voordeel.
  • Om extra JoHo PinPoints aan te vragen vul je een contactformulier in onder vermelding van de JoHo partner waarbij je bent aangesloten.
  • De extra PinPoints staan binnen twee werkdagen op je account

Kun je ook extra PinPoints bijbestellen?

Ja, indien je extra PinPoints nodig hebt, dan kun je deze ook bijbestellen

  1. Ga naar Extra JoHo pinpoints voor abonnees
  2. Kies voor één PinPoint voor 2,50 of vijf voor 10 euro
  3. Reken af met Ideal, PayPal of creditcard
  4. De extra PinPoints staan direct op je account.


Pinpoints on your account & Extra pinpoints


How can you use JoHo Pinpoints for extra benefits in 2023?

How can you use JoHo Pinpoints for extra benefits in 2023?

How can you use JoHo PinPoints to pick-up free summaries or have them delivered to your home?

  1. Go to the print shop of your study program
  2. Log in, check your Pinpoints (request extra PinPoints if you don't have enough)
  3. Add the printed summaries to your shopping cart
  4. Choose to pick up at a pickup location
  5. Pick up your order during one of the pick-up moments
How can you get new or extra Pinpoints in 2023?

How can you get new or extra Pinpoints in 2023?

How many PinPoints do JoHo subscribers get per year?

  • Every year as a subscriber you will receive 10 new PinPoints at the start of the year.

How can you get extra PinPoints through the partners affiliated with JoHo?

  • Several JoHo partners can have members or customers request extra PinPoints from JoHo for extra benefits.
  • To request additional JoHo PinPoints, fill in a contact form stating the JoHo partner you are affiliated with.
  • The extra PinPoints will be on your account within two working days

Can you also order extra PinPoints?

Yes, if you need extra PinPoints, you can also order these

  1. Go to Extra JoHo pinpoints for subscribers
  2. Choose one PinPoint for 2.50 or five for 10 euros
  3. Pay with Ideal, PayPal or credit card
  4. The extra PinPoints will be added directly to your account.
JoHo Services: questions and answers about JoHo pinpoints and sponsored summaries in 2023 (EN)

JoHo Services: questions and answers about JoHo pinpoints and sponsored summaries in 2023 (EN)

What are JoHo PinPoints in 2023?

What are JoHo PinPoints in 2023?

What are JoHo PinPoints?

  • JoHo PinPoints are points that you can use to order free printed summaries
  • You can use JoHo PinPoints for both the pick-up service and the delivery service.
  • JoHo subscribers receive a minimum of 10 PinPoints per year
How can you use JoHo Pinpoints for extra benefits in 2023?

How can you use JoHo Pinpoints for extra benefits in 2023?

How can you use JoHo PinPoints to pick-up free summaries or have them delivered to your home?

  1. Go to the print shop of your study program
  2. Log in, check your Pinpoints (request extra PinPoints if you don't have enough)
  3. Add the printed summaries to your shopping cart
  4. Choose to pick up at a pickup location
  5. Pick up your order during one of the pick-up moments
How can you get new or extra Pinpoints in 2023?

How can you get new or extra Pinpoints in 2023?

How many PinPoints do JoHo subscribers get per year?

  • Every year as a subscriber you will receive 10 new PinPoints at the start of the year.

How can you get extra PinPoints through the partners affiliated with JoHo?

  • Several JoHo partners can have members or customers request extra PinPoints from JoHo for extra benefits.
  • To request additional JoHo PinPoints, fill in a contact form stating the JoHo partner you are affiliated with.
  • The extra PinPoints will be on your account within two working days

Can you also order extra PinPoints?

Yes, if you need extra PinPoints, you can also order these

  1. Go to Extra JoHo pinpoints for subscribers
  2. Choose one PinPoint for 2.50 or five for 10 euros
  3. Pay with Ideal, PayPal or credit card
  4. The extra PinPoints will be added directly to your account.
What are JoHo summaries & study notes?

What are JoHo summaries & study notes?

JoHo summaries of study books

  • JoHo summaries will save you time, provide you with insight in primary and secundary key topics and will enhance your chances at the midterms or finals. JoHo summaries are based on the required readings and latest edition of a book. For decades JoHo summaries have been the most widely used tool in preparations for exams

JoHo BulletPoint summaries

  • BulletPoint summaries are concise summaries of books. Using BulletPoint summaries is convenient when you want to practice the most important topics before the exam. You can rehearse your knowledge easily, accessing them during a trainride, in the library, or at the last minute before an exam.

JoHo summaries of articles

  • Course readings often include a variety of (scholarly) articles. Usually the key topics of these articles can be presented in a few paragraphs or even sentences. JoHo summaries will help you to easily extract the essence of articles. When you finish your degree you will find ample opportunities in which you can use the summaries of articles to keep yourself updated on the scholarly development within your area of expertise.

JoHo lecture notes

  • If you have missed a lecture or group meeting due to illness, a hangover, because the teacher is impossible to understand or when you don't have the time to watch it online, it is great to have lecture notes at your disposal from someone who sat in the front of the lecture theatre. Reading lecture notes often provides you with more insight in what teachers find important and gives a great overview of all the different topics discussed during the course.


Aanmeldingen & JoHo credits



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