JoHo Projects & Initiatives
Develop experience, Experience development
Main theme: Global Citizenship
Through various promotional, incentive and advisory activities, young people, and nowadays also older people, are made aware of all kinds of possibilities of being abroad and getting involved in development. On the one hand by partner organizations in the Netherlands and abroad, and on the other hand by JoHo support centers in developing countries.
- Annually, more than 1,000 projects are provided with manpower, funding and other resources through JoHo partners abroad. Because of these projects tens of thousand of children receive education, childcare and teaching materials. Hundreds of disadvantaged young people get the chance to start a study, setup their own business or access free (health) insurances. Hundreds of aid workers are supported when realizing their activities.
JoHo Support Centers
Main themes: Choice Improvement and Sustainable Tourism
- Through preparation, awareness and advisory activities, backpackers and travelers are encouraged to act fair during their stay abroad. Besides that, they get inspired to use -where possible- organizations that also have proven to be "sustainable" and "world supporting'.
- Meanwhile, more than 1 million travelers and backpackers use the information activities of JoHo through JoHo support centers.
Smokey Projects
Main themes: Talent Development & Community Based Tourism
- Smokey Tours are not just tours. They offer experience, believing that deep experience equals deep insight. The tours are unique and honest; a testimony of changing times and our global interconnectedness. All tours are guided by well-trained local Smokey Tours tour leaders, from underprivileged communities to running eye-opening tours around Metro Manila.
- All tour leaders are part of the JoHo Insurance for Talent Programme which assures them and their families of Health Insurances.
- Smokey Tours hopes to bring societal change in our communities, either small or on a much bigger scale. It is a huge goal, and they work in small steps. It is not easy, and sometimes things go smoothly, sometimes not at all.
- Providing positive and meaningful impacts on those living in the slums have been the goal since the inception of Smokey Tours. We have distributed relief goods and given qualitative training on health and disaster preparedness that will surely help the slum community cope with the daily challenges that they face. Cooperation and coordination with non-government organizations, people’s organizations and concerned individuals have been vital in successfully addressing these short to medium term social issues as we race to reach our goal.
The Smokey Art & Work Center
- We believe that mental illness is nothing more than an illness, nothing more, nothing less. That it is not a mental disability if the person affected can function in society provided the illness, like all other illnesses, is properly managed.
- In a society that is increasingly becoming insensitive to the plight of people with mental illness, we have taken the cudgels to promote the advocacy of eliminating all shame and stigma and creating a support group for artists with mental illness and their caregivers – Boxless Society.
JoHo World School Bank
Main theme: Knowledge Sharing
JoHo World School Bank materials: a multimedia initiative facilitating pupils and students to donate their school materials, extracts and excercises (written in English or Spanish). These materials are made available to pupils and students in developing countries, both online and (partly) in print.
JoHo WorldSupporter
Main themes: Global Citizenship & Knowledge Sharing
- A community website for those who actively want to work for a world where everyone, independent of origin, can lead a good life. Anyone can contribute to the community, by creating a profile (resume), and by blogging about activities and experiences that contribute to global citizenship.
- The main goal of this multimedia platform, for and by 'supporters', is to exchange knowledge internationally and to make already invented wheels more available.
- JoHo WorldSupporter Magazine operates as a multimedia initiative with WorldSupporter blogs, songs, stories, recipies, advice, statements, photos and videos about global citizenship at work, on holiday, at school or in leisure time.
Millennium DO
Main theme: Global Citizenship & Integration
- "Millennium Do" encourages and facilitates young people to inspire others, through their own global citizenship, to actively contribute as well. Apart from that, Millennium Do stimulates talent development of young people.
- The program is focused on the millennium development goals and practical ways to achieve these goals.
- The program ran between 2011-2015, with a preceding similar program (called "JoHo Xplore") between 2005-2009.
- Initiative in The Netherlands.
JoHo World market & travel pawn
Main theme: Collaboration & Sustainable Tourism
- Worldsupporter Market is a thrift store where used or surplus travel items are offered for sale, via the Web and in JoHo support centers.
- Initiative in The Netherlands.
- Read more
JoHo WorldSupporter is funded out of three sources:
- contributions of JoHo donors
- contributions through JoHo activities
- contributions from sponsorships and grant
Direct effects
- Already more than 1 million travelers and backpackers used the available information in the JoHo support centers.
or got inspired by the activities of JoHo and JoHo members. - Already more than 11 million online visitors use the choice advice and other tools for sustainable and fair experiences abroad.
- Since 2002 +/- 20,000 supporters went on the road using JoHo's services. On average they donated 575 euro as a direct contribution to the various projects. Locally one spent an average of 300 euros at local small sized companies. Through the contributions of intermediary organizations an extra 300 euros per person is put into the local economy. On an annual basis, this adds up to more than 2.000,000 euros.
- Annually, more than 1,000 projects are provided with manpower, funding and other resources through JoHo partners abroad. Because of these projects tens of thousand of children receive education, childcare and teaching materials. Hundreds of disadvantaged young people get the chance to start a study, setup their own business or access free (health) insurances. Hundreds of aid workers are supported when realizing their activities.
- The "Millennium Do" participants reached with their fundraising for their projects an amount of > 1 million Euro.
Indirect effects
- An average of 50,000 friends and family members are directly involved in JoHo member activities through social media and direct contact.
- 30% of these friends and relatives plan to become active themselves too, in the Netherlands or abroad.
- 1% of these friends and relatives actually visit them and spend another 850 euros on average.
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