What to consider when emigrating with children?

  • In most cases, children come along when their parents emigrate.
  • If your children are still babies or toddlers, moving them should not cause too much instability. Their trusted family unit stays intact and external factors are not yet as important.
  • Most children between around eight to ten years old are at a relatively stable developmental stage and will therefore adapt fairly easily to their new environment.
  • For teenagers however, a big move can be rather unsettling and can cause quite a bit of turbulence. They lose their friends, their school, their neighbourhood, sports club and everything they know.
  • Even though many emigrants feel their big move significantly enriched the life of their children, they do concede that it’s probably beneficial to settle in one place once children hit eleven or twelve.
  • Children with developmental or academic issues will have a much harder time settling in to their new environment. It could be beneficial to their development to stay in their own country.
  • If children stay behind, it’s important to first organise their living arrangements before making too advanced emigration plans. Once the children are settled, the next steps will be much smoother.
  • With older kids, late teens, consider postponing the big move until after children have left the parental home and have set up their own home.

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