The World of JoHo WorldSupporter: Rules & Regulations (EN)


JoHo Memberships: rules and regulations (EN)

JoHo Memberships: rules and regulations (EN)

How to change your personal details?

How to change your personal details?

Changing your personal data when registering (donorship/subscription)

  • To report a change to your personal data, use the international contactform .
  • The changes are then processed in the registration administration.

Changing your personal data with an insurance policy

  • To report a change to your personal data with an insurance, use the Contactform for JoHo insured .
  • The changes are then processed in the insurance administration.

Changing your personal data on your account pages on or

  • Do you want a new e-mail address to log in to your account page? Please use the international contactform This way you prevent later problems.
  • On your account page itself, it is also possible to make some changes. These changes have no administrative consequences and cannot be used to communicate changes.
JoHo membership: How can you change your support and membership?

JoHo membership: How can you change your support and membership?

  • As a JoHo member it is possible to change your membership to make use of more, or less, services and discounts.
  • When you add a subscription it's always for the current calendar year, regardless of the moment of upgrading.
  • For the current calendar year you only pay the difference between your current and new subscription.
  • Cancellations are processed at January 1st of the next calendar year. Until then you can make use of the services and discounts of your current subscription. 
  • You can use the
JoHo membership: How to opt out and end your JoHo support?

JoHo membership: How to opt out and end your JoHo support?

  • JoHo memberships (and subscriptions) are continuous until you end your membership
  • Ending your JoHo membership and subscription for the next calendar year can be requested up to one month before the end of the current calendar year
  • Regardless of the moment of opting out, you'll get the discounts and services untill the end of the current calendar year
  • You can also choose to change your subscription into' Online access only' for 10 euro a year
  • You can keep supporting JoHo for 5 euro a year
  • A JoHo membership can be ended by filling in the form for membership and account changes
  • Your opting out will be processed automatically
JoHo Membership: Rules & Regulations (EN)

JoHo Membership: Rules & Regulations (EN)

Basic rules

  • Every member receives a JoHo number, which you will sometimes be asked for by JoHo & partners of JoHo. The number will be displayed in your Account (user) page
  • There is no age requirement for supporting JoHo or for getting a membership.
  • The membership or support to JoHo is strictly personal. Only you as a member are entitled to the benefits and services of JoHo. It is thus not (temporarily) exchangeable to others.
  • Restitution or partial restitution of the membership contribution is not possible. JoHo will sparcely use your contact details for sharing information with you about your membership and to inform you about (new) products and services of JoHo or one of the partners of JoHo. If you do not wish to receive this information you can let JoHo using the contactform.


  • Use the contactform to inform JoHo about changes in your personal details (address, bank account, email etc.)



Get involved

  • You can also help JoHo as a volunteer, for instance by promoting JoHo. You can also join the JoHo PR team in your city, donate photo or video material to JoHo World Supporter or help the World Study Bank with JoHo summaries.
  • You can also help JoHo & WorldSupporters by sponsoring a project financially or by going abroad and volunteering at one of the projects.

Regular and continuous JoHo Memberships

  • To apply for a regular and continuous international memberships in The Netherlands (for use of sponsored summaries): please proceed here
  • To apply for a regular and continuous memberships (Dutch application form): please proceed here  
  • Extra services apply in case of these memberships

Join JoHo as a Member

  • Read about joining JoHo & WorldSupporter 
  • Do you want to know what the annual contribution of the membership is, or which subscription you need to make use of service and discounts? Check the membership service advice pagel .
  • Discounts apply (unless stated otherwise) for products and services purchased at the JoHo support center, at JoHo's website or at one of JoHo's partners. 

Basic rules JoHo members

  • JoHo members make it possible for JoHo to successfully support international projects in terms of development aid, knowledge exchange, and talent development.
  • JoHo members can make use of discounts, choice support, and advice services.
  • JoHo members can apply for a subscription for extra discounts, choice support, and advice services.
  • The annual donation is from 5.00 euro yearly. 
  • Your JoHo membership is always continuous until the moment of cancellation.
  • The annual contribution is for the period of one calendar year; from the 1st of January until the 31st of December (regardless of moment of registration). 
  • The conditions and benefits of the JoHo membership can change during the calendar year. Changes and updates are posted on the JoHo website. 

JoHo number

  • You will receive your JoHo number when you register as a JoHo member. Have you lost your number? Log in to your account page  .
  • The JoHo membership is strictly personal. Only you as a member are allowed to use the services and benefits. It is therefore not (temporarily) transferable to third parties.

Ending your JoHo membership

  • The JoHo membership can be ended at any time.
  • The annual contribution is processed in the period between December and January. If you don't want to extend your membership for the next calendar year, you need to cancel it before the 1st of December of the current calendar year.
  • How to end your subcription: fill in the change or sign off form 
  • It is also possible to send a written cancellation to: JoHo, attn. Memberships & Subscriptions, Stationsweg 18, Stationsweg 2D, 2312 AV Leide Include your bank account number from which the annual contribution is debited, and if possible your JoHo number. You will receive a confirmation of your cancellation through email.
  • You receive the JoHo services and discounts until the end of the calendar year (31st of December) in which you request the cancellation.
  • A refund or partial refund of the annual contribution is not possible. 
  • If you have send a cancellation request after the 1st of December, your cancellation will be processed in the next calender year. This means that your subscription will continue for one more year, during which you can still make use of JoHo services and discounts.

Basic rules JoHo subscription services

  • As a member you can apply for a subscription services of  10, 15, 20 or 80.00 euros per calendar year.
  • A JoHo subscription is, just as the membership, continuous until the moment of cancellation.
  • The annual contribution for the subscription is for the period of one calendar year, from the 1st of January until the 31st of December (regardless of moment of registration). 
  • The conditions and benefits of the JoHo subscription services can change during the calendar year. Changes and updates are posted on the JoHo website. 

Ending your JoHo subscription

  • The JoHo subscription can be ended at any time.
  • The annual contribution is processed in the period between December and January. If you don't want to extend your subcription services for the next calendar year, you need to request the cancellation before the 1st of December of the current calendar year.
  • How to end your subcription
  • It is also possible to send a written cancellation to: JoHo, attn. Memberships & Subscriptions, Stationsweg 2D, 2312 AV Leiden. Include your bank account number from which the annual contribution is debited, and if possible your JoHo number. You will receive a confirmation of your cancellation by email.
  • You receive JoHo services and discounts until the end of the calendar year (31st of December) in which you request the cancellation.
  • A refund or partial refund of the annual contribution is not possible. 
  • If you have send a cancellation request after the 1st of December, your cancellation will be processed in the next calender year. This means that your subscription will continue for one more year, during which you can still make use of JoHo services and discounts.




  • In case of an non-recurring International JoHo membership, the annual contribution is for the period of one calendar year.
  • After that year the membership expires and you will have to repeat the membership procedures.
  • Become an international JoHo member 


Become an International Member in the Netherlands

Become a JoHo Member (Dutch)

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