Werken en lesgeven in Cambodja
Werken en lesgeven in China
Werken en lesgeven in India
6-12 months
Although most classes in Indian schools are taught in English, there are many locals with an excellent grasp of the language. As a result, the demand for native English speakers is lower than in other Asian countries. However, having an additional language such as Japanese or German will increase your chances of employment.
Main TEFL regions
New Delhi, Calcutta and Bangalore; with opportunities for unpaid volunteering in several rural areas
Types of teaching
State and private schools: General English, English for Younger Learners
Nurseries: English for Younger Learners
Non-profit schools for street children: General English, English for Younger Learners
Corporate in-house language programs: General English, English for Specific Purposes
Your employer won’t usually provide accommodation, although you can negotiate this. A good-quality, serviced, 2-3 bedroom apartment will cost between US$175-300 per month in Delhi, with prices lower in other cities and rural areas.
Flight reimbursement
This varies, but is not usual for English teachers in India
Salaries are typically around US 900 dollar, but you could rise to as much around US 1800 dollar per month depending on your experience and negotiating skills!
On a salary of around US 900 dollar, expect to pay about 9% tax, on US 1800 dollar per month you’ll pay closer to 19%.
Cost of living
The cost of living is notoriously cheap in India, especially if you eat local food (although you may want to consider vegetarianism!). You should have enough money left over to explore the country in your spare time.
Potential to save money
After you’ve paid for your living expenses and travel around India, you won’t have much left to put in the bank on a low salary. However, if you decide to stay in India long-term and develop your teaching career here, your high earnings will allow you to save plenty of money.
How much TEFL training is recommended?
Given the moderate demand for teachers and to maximize your earning potential, you should get a recognized TEFL qualification such as those offered by i-to-i.
Common teaching conditions
Expect to work for 20-40 hours per week, depending on where you work. Class sizes vary, with is few as 20 pupils or as many as 60!
Werken en lesgeven in Indonesia
6-18 months
With tourism such an important industry, the ability to speak English is a valuable skill. North American and British teachers are in high demand, while recruitment from Australia and New Zealand is increasing.
Main TEFL regions
Jakarta, Bandung, Medan, Bogor and Surabaya; with many schools also on Sulawesi and Bali. Opportunities arise in both urban and rural areas
Types of teaching
Private Language Schools: General English, Business English
State Primary & Secondary Schools: General English, English for Younger Learners
Schools usually include air-conditioned, bills-inclusive accommodation free-of-charge, or provide a housing allowance. Outside the biggest cities, you may have to arrange your own accommodation after the first month is provided free, though sometimes you will be given an interest-free loan to help you get on your feet.
Flight reimbursement
Typically on completion of your 12-month contract
Can vary, but generally US$800-$1200 per month, relative to your qualifications and experience.
Income tax will vary from 5-25% depending on how much you earn. In practice, your overall income will be taxed at around 10%, which will be arranged by your employer.
Cost of living
As a teacher, you will earn up to ten times the local salary and live a comfortable lifestyle. If you’re willing to forego expensive restaurants, you’ll find the delicious local food very cheap. Getting around won’t break the bank either, with long-distance bus journeys often costing less than a dollar.
Potential to save money
Given the high salaries and low cost of living, it’s possible to save on as little as 7,000,000 (US$750) rupiah per year. But if you work outside the big cities and party less, you can save more!
How much TEFL training is recommended?
Having any recognized TEFL qualification gives you an excellent chance of getting a pre-arranged job in the big cities. Although the better your qualifications, the higher your earning potential will be.
Common teaching conditions
You will work for around 25 hours, spread over a 5-day working week, although this can vary. Lessons are usually between 3 p.m. and 9 p.m., with occasional early mornings and weekends.
Werken en lesgeven in Japan
Very high
6-12 months
Since the economic slump of the 90’s, the Japanese economy has strengthened greatly. So the already-high demand for English teachers is increasing further.
Main TEFL regions
Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka, Kobe, Kyoto
Types of teaching
Private language schools: General English, Business English
State and private schools: General English
State and private kindergartens: English for Young Learners
Corporate in-house Language Programs: General English, Business English
Private tutorials (conversation lounges, “ladies’ classes”, etc.): General English, English for Specific Purposes
Expect an apartment to cost between 50,000 – 100,000 Yen per month. If your employer helps you find a place, or you live outside of Tokyo or Osaka, it will cost at the lower end of this range. Whereas the price is pushed up by using a rental agency or living in a big city.
You will usually have to pay for utilities (about 10,000 Yen per month) on top of your rent and apartments are often unfurnished, although the better schools will provide you with basic furnishings.
Flight reimbursement
This depends on your employer, but some will pay for your flight as an end-of-contract bonus
This varies, but the basic salary is usually 250,000 Yen (US$2,300) per month. However, you can boost this figure with bonuses and private tuition.
Although tax rates for the rich are among the highest in the world, you should only expect to pay 7% of your 3,000,000 Yen salary in tax.
Cost of living
Japan has an expensive reputation and when food, accommodation and bills are factored in, living costs can take up 75% of your income. But simple adjustments such as eating like the locals and shopping at cheap “100 Yen Shops” can pay great dividends.
Potential to save money
This is lower in Japan than other countries, but with a good long-term contract and self-discipline, you should be able to save money.
How much TEFL training is recommended?
Little to no training is required to get a teaching post, but recognized qualifications such as those provided by i-to-i will prepare you for the pressures of the classroom and increase your employability. Schools will usually only employ university graduates.
Common teaching conditions
You will typically teach for 6 hours a day, 5 days a week; with the occasional 6-day week. Most lessons happen in the afternoon or evening, although this can vary.
Most students are eager and respectful. Children usually expect lessons to be fun, while the standard of English amongst adult students tends to be lower than in other Asian countries.
Werken en lesgeven in Thailand
Werken en lesgeven in Vietnam
De mogelijkheden
Vietnam wordt steeds populairder als reisbestemming, waardoor Engels steeds belangrijker wordt voor Vietnamezen die geld willen verdienen in de toerismesector.
Een TEFL-certificaat is niet altijd een vereiste voor lesgeven in Vietnam, het zet echter wel de deur open naar vacatures met een hoger salaris met betere voorwaarden.
Het soort werk
De meeste TEFL-docenten geven les op privéscholen maar ook op basis- en middelbare scholen zijn mogelijkheden. Zakelijk Engels doceren aan zakenmensen is ook populair. Dit kan vaak op een taalschool of privé.
Het salaris
Het salaris in Vietnam bedraagt z’n €750 per maand voor docenten met een TEFL-certificaat. Dit is voldoende van mee rond te komen.
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