Werken in Midden-Amerika (Costa Rica) door Engelse les te geven op scholen of via privé lessen

Werken in Midden-Amerika door Engelse les te geven

Werken en Engels geven in Costa Rica

Demand: High
Busiest: Jan-Dec
Contract: 3-24 months


  • With such close ties to the US, the ability to speak English is an important skill in Costa Rica
  • Main TEFL regions
  • San José, Manuel Antonio, Heredia, Cartago, Alajuela.

Types of teaching

  • ESL private language institutes: General English, Business English, TOEFL, ECCE
  • University language programs: General English, TOEFL, English for Specific Purposes
  • Summer camps: General English


  • It’s not usual for your employer to supply accommodation, but they will often help you find somewhere yourself. Expect to pay between US$150-350 per month for a place to stay, depending on whether you want a basic studio or a spacious 2-bedroom apartment.
  • If you’re feeling adventurous, look on the supermarket notice boards for homestays with local families.

Flight reimbursement

  • The benefit package varies between schools, though some will reimburse your flights.


  • Expect to make between US$450 and US$1000 per month. Pay is commensurate with a teacher's qualifications and experience.


  • Income tax rates are acceptable here, so expect to pay around 15% of your total income in tax.

Cost of living

  • Once you’ve paid your rent, the other living costs are low: you can get a big meal for only US$2 or make a 4 hour bus journey for just US$5. The only worry is inflation, which hit 23% in 1995 and still regularly tops 9%.

Potential to save money

  • If you’re earning more than US$550 per month and don’t spend like a Hollywood star, you should be able to put some money in the bank.

How much TEFL training is recommended?

  • Although you don’t need a TEFL qualification to work here (a Bachelor’s degree will do), it will boost your salary and make you more confident in the classroom. Many good jobs require some sort of certification or teaching experience.

Common teaching conditions

  • It’s not usual to teach more than 25 hours per week, but with that schedule you’ll spend a lot of extra time preparing classes and marking.

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