Werken in Hongarije of Tsjechië door Engelse les te geven op scholen of via privé lessen


Engelse les geven in Tsjechië

Wat betekent werken en les geven in Tsjechië

  • Praag staat bekend als één van de beste bestemmingen voor TEFL-docenten. Ook in de kleinere steden is een groeiende vraag naar Engelse les. Lesgeven op een openbare school is alleen mogelijk met een bachelordiploma Engels.

Waar kan je werken als docent Engels in Tsjechië

  • De meeste mogelijkheden liggen bij lesgeven aan volwassenen via taalinstituten of als privé-docent. Wanneer je aan de eisen voldoet, kun je daarnaast ook bij middelbare scholen aan de slag.

Wat is je salaris als je Engelse les geeft in Tsjechië

  • Het salaris ligt rond de €950 per maand in Tsjechië. Wanneer je een contract voor langere tijd aangaat, ligt dit hoger. Van dit salaris kun je goed rondkomen.

Engelse les geven in Hongarije

  • Very High
  • Sep-June
  • 3-12 months


  • Demand for teachers is very high here, but it's becoming a popular destination for newly-qualified teachers

  • Main TEFL regions

  • Budapest, Debrecen, Miskolc, Szeged, Szolnok and other smaller towns around the country.

Types of teaching

  • Summer schools / language camps: General English

  • Private language schools: General English In-company: General English, Business English, English for Specific Purposes (ESP)

  • State primary & secondary schools: General English, English for Younger Learners


  • This depends on which sector you work in. State schools will usually provide an apartment with other teachers, but private schools leave you to fend for yourself.

  • Apartments are expensive in Budapest, so don’t expect to pay less than 80,000Ft (US$550) per month. If you’re willing to share, it’ll cost half this amount and accommodation is much cheaper outside of the capital. Alberlet is a good place to start your search.

Flight reimbursement

  • You’re more likely to meet Attila the Hun than find an employer who’ll pay for your flight!


  • The average hourly wage is 2000 Ft in private schools, which translates to about 200,000 Ft (US$1,500) per month if you get enough hours.

  • In state schools, the salary is around 100,000 Ft (US$700) per month – it doesn’t sound like much, but the free accommodation makes a big difference.

  • Private tuition can make you up to Ft 3000 per hour, and students are easy to find. Pay is commensurate with a teacher's qualifications and experience.


  • Taxes are relatively high in Hungary: if you earn 100,000Ft, you’ll pay about 18% tax; on a salary of 200,000Ft, it’ll be 23%.

Cost of living

  • The cost of living here is in line with the rest of Eastern Europe. Monthly groceries will cost 20,000 Ft (US$150) if you stick to local markets, a monthly bus pass is 7,500 Ft and a beer is about 200 Ft (just over a dollar).

Potential to save money

  • Although the cost of living is cheap, the low salaries make it difficult to save: come here for the culture and teaching experience, not to plan for your retirement!

How much TEFL training is recommended?

  • It will be difficult to find a job without a TEFL qualification, especially in highly-competitive Budapest. An i-to-i course would also improve your skills and confidence in the classroom.

Common teaching conditions

  • This varies hugely depending on the sector you work in and which school you work for. Although the pay is low in state schools, you’re more likely to have field trips and other bonuses. In the private sector, there are plenty of good employers, but many unscrupulous ones, too. You may need to work for several private schools and do individual tuition to get enough hours.

  • The students tend to be hard-working and enthusiastic, but they’re used to more traditional teaching styles so you’ll initially get some strange looks if you try any off-the-wall teaching techniques.


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