Solliciteren in het Engels: voorbeeld van een Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Voorbeelden van een Curriculum Vitae in het Engels

CV - I

Personal information

Name: Andrew Fischer Lees
Address: Ponce the Leon Avenue 329
Telephone number: 06-123456
Place and date of birth: Liverpool, 05-11-1992
Marital status: Unmarried
Nationality: English
Sex: Male

Personal profile

I am an energetic and hard working person who approaches tasks in an organised and practical manner and who is very precise in his work. I am not affraid of making decisions and I have strong sense of responsibility. I like working with other people but I also work well independently. I consider myself an open minded person with good communication skills.

Career goals

Working in an intellectual environment, preferably in projects dealing with improvement of human rights, democracy and especially the rights and living standards of children. I hope to be able to be in a position to travel within my line of work.
I would like to have a career that is both challenging and diverse, requiring responsibility, as well as creative and strategic thinking.


Law student, University of Leiden, I graduated August 31, 1998. Specialisation: International law.
As part of my graduate thesis I presented the introduction of a report to Members of the Dutch Parliament concerning International Hunamitarian Law on March 27, 1998. This report, which was published under authority of the Dutch Red Cross Society and the Tobias Asser Institute, can be obtained at the Assler Institute in the Hague under the title: β€œHumanitair oorlogsrecht in interne conflicten”. My doctoral thesis encompassed the rights of captured child soldiers during armed conflicts.

Atheneum, Christelijk Lyceum in Alphen aan den Rijn (which is comparable with high school and the first two years of college in the United States of America).

Work Experience

2017- present
Branch manager at The JoHo Company, which is a publisher with activity for university students in several cities. This was initially a part-time job, but after my graduation I have been employed there full-time to run the Amsterdam office. As manager of this office I am responsible for recruiting, hiring and training new employees, evaluating and purchasing new study material, and carrying out final checks to ensure product quality. Furthermore, I take care of the financial administration and payroll of all four locations of the JoHo company.

Several Saturday and summer jobs.



Personal information

Name: Roberto Sanders
Address: Utrechtse Straatweg 89
Telephone number: (0031)715338116
Place and date of birth: Marken, August 19th, 1997
Nationallity: Dutch
Sex: Male

Career Goals

Working in a multicultural environment, preferably in projects focused on improvement of human rights.


University of Leiden, MS Law. Specialisation: international law.

Work experience

Centrum voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking (= Centre of Development aid, Dordrecht, The Netherlands). I helped to develop a study programme for primary schools dealing development aid in Latin America.

Extracurricular activities

Organised the conference β€œHuman Rights and International Standards” which was held in Amsterdam. There were about 500 participants from 20 different countries. I invited the lecturers, arranged their accommodation and looked after their general well-being during their stay in Amsterdam.

Mentor of a small group of exchange students from several countries.

Travel trough Latin America (6 months)

2016- present
Member of the Society for International Law



Proficient in English and Dutch. Reasonable command of German and French.

Voorzitter van dispuut Frivelle van de algemene studentenvereniging Augustina.


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