Study guide with Psychopathology: Research, Assessment and Treatment in Clinical Psychology
Online summaries and study assistance with the 3rd edition of Psychopathology: Research, Assessment and Treatment in Clinical Psychology by Davey
- For Bulletsummaries with Psychopathology by Davey, see BulletPoints per chapter with the 3rd edition
- For Booksummaries with Psychopathology by Davey, see Summaries per chapter with the 3rd edition
- For summaries and bulletpoints with earlier editions of Psychopathology: Research, Assessment and Treatment in Clinical Psychology by Davey, see Study guide with Psychopathology: Research, Assessment and Treatment in Clinical Psychology by Davey
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About the book
The Third Edition of Psychopathology: Research, Assessment, and Treatment in Clinical Psychology is a comprehensive book. It covers both psychopathology and clinical practice, includes extensive descriptions of treatment techniques for a variety of mental health issues, and it is accessibly written and appropriate to use for students at different learning levels, such as post-graduate researchers and clinical trainees.
In comparison to the Second Edition, the Third Edition includes updated research findings, such as changes in cognitive behavioral therapy approaches.
This book covers:
- An in-depth introduction to psychopathological concepts, procedures, and practices, such as classification and assessment, stigma, paradigms, research methods, and treatments
- A wide variety of psychopathologies and psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression and mood disorders, psychosis, substance use disorders, and eating disorders
- Discussions of personality disorders
- Childhood and adolescent disorders
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