Study guide with Introduction to and application of research methods and statistics Custom UU edition
Online summaries and study assistance with the 1st edition of Introduction to and application of research methods and statistics by Morling and Carr
- For Booksummaries with Introduction to and application of research methods and statistics by Morling and Carr, see Samenvattingen per hoofdstuk bij de 1ste druk
- For Practice exams with Introduction to and application of research methods and statistics by Morling and Carr, see TentamenTests bij de 1e druk
- For summaries, bulletpoints, practice exams and glossaries with earlier editions of Introduction to and application of research methods and statistics by Morling and Carr, see Study guide with Introduction to and application of research methods and statistics custom UU edition by Morling and Carr
About the book
The book Introduction to and Application of Research Methods and Statistics is a book that has been specially compiled for Utrecht University. It is based on two other books:
- Research Methods (Beth Morling, fourth edition)
- The Art and Science of Social Research (Deborah Carr et al., second edition).
The fact that this book is a compilation of two other books is also clearly reflected in the structure of the book. The original chapter numbers have been retained in this book, so it does not follow a logical structure, but goes from 1-2-3-7-10-11 [..] back to 4 and so on. In this summary we have chosen to follow this order.
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