Study guide with Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods
Online summaries and study assistance with the 6th edition of Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods by Leary
- For Dutch Bulletsummaries with Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods by Leary, see Bulletsamenvattingen per hoofdstuk bij de 6e druk
- For Dutch Booksummaries with Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods by Leary, see Samenvattingen per hoofdstuk bij de 6e druk
- For English Booksummaries with Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods by Leary, see Summaries per chapter with the 6th edition
- For Dutch Practice exams with Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods by Leary, see TentamenTests bij de 6e druk
- For English Practice exams with Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods by Leary, see Examtests with the 6th edition
- For all available summaries, bulletpoints, practice exams and glossaries with Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods by Leary, see Study guide with Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods by Leary
Studying Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods by Leary
- Study tips: For most students statistics has not been the reason to study Psychology. For some it will even be a reason to stop. However, if you invest a little bit during this course, you will benefit from it during your entire study.
What is Leary's book Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods about?
- The book Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods is a widely used book in studies within the field of human and behavioural sciences. The book was specially written for student use.
- The book focuses on the four main approaches to behavioral research; namely descriptive research, correlational research, experimental research and quasi-experimental research. The book explains how to conduct these methods and how to analyse the results. The book also examines the ethical issues that may arise during research into human behavior.
What are the main differences between the 6th and 7th editions?
Various updates were made in the 7th edition, including:
- The subject of 'replicating research' is discussed in more detail.
- The difference between reflective and formative measurements is explained in more detail.
- Information has been added about doing research via the Internet, in view of the fact that the use of telephones with Internet connection has increased enormously in recent years.
- The disadvantages and shortcomings of the traditional 0-hypothesis significance test are discussed further. Alternative methods for statistical inference are also discussed, including with regard to confidence intervals and effect sizes.
- The order of topics dealt with within Chapters 11 and 12 has changed.
- Information has been added about the safety of research via computers and the confidentiality of data.
- Given the major fraud cases that have played a role since the last edition, information has also been added on this subject.
- A new topic has been added, namely "ethical issues when analyzing research data and reporting the results".
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