Samenvattingen voor International Business: van tentamen doen tot studie en stage in het buitenland


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International Business       

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International Business

International business en economie: uitgelichte boeksamenvattingen

Samenvattingen en studiehulp op JoHo

Samenvattingen voor International Business op JoHo WorldSupporter: uitgelicht
Summary with Operations and Supply Chain Management, The Core by Jacobs and Chase - Summary of study book
This Summary of Operations and Supply Chain Management, The Core (Jacobs & Chase) is written in 2013-2014....
Boeksamenvatting bij Business History: complexities and comparisons van Amatori en Colli - Summary of study book
Chapter A: Different theories of the firm Adam Smith’s neoclassical theory of the firm The...
Summary with the 2nd edition of International Economics and Business: Nations and Firms in the Global Economy by Beugelsdijk - Summary of study book
Economic globalisation – what, how and when? - Chapter 1 1.1 Introduction Economic globalisation...
Boeksamenvatting bij International Economics: Theory, Application and Policy van Marrewijk - Summary of study book
Deze samenvatting is gebaseerd op het studiejaar 2013-2014. summary_fdi_trade_2013-14_-_1.pdf...
Summary with International Business Strategy by Verbeke - Summary of study book
Chapter A: the 7 concepts of the unifying framework Most complex issues in international business strategy...
Summary with cross-Cultural Management by Thomas and Peterson - Summary of study book
Deze samenvatting is gebaseerd op het studiejaar 2013-2014. Chapter A Globalization = a process whereby...
Boeksamenvatting bij de 11e druk van Analyse van Bedrijfsprocessen van in 't Veld en Slatius - Summary of study book
Welke systeembegrippen bestaan er binnen de systeemkunde en wat houden deze in? - Chapter 1 Systeemkunde...
Boeksamenvatting bij de 8e druk van Leadership: Theory and Practice van Northouse - Summary of study book
Wat houdt leiderschap in? - Chapter 1 Mensen vragen zich herhaaldelijk af wat leiderschap betekent en welke...
Boeksamenvatting bij de 8e druk van Leadership in Organizations van Yukl - Summary of study book
Wat ligt ten grondslag aan leiderschap in organisaties - Chapter 1 Inleiding Het onderwerp leiderschap...
Samenvatting bij de 4e druk van Operations and supply chain management, the core van Jacobs en Chase - Summary of study book
Wat houdt operations and supply chain management in? - Chapter 1 Waar houdt operations and supply chain...
Oefenvragen, tests en oude tentamens met antwoorden voor International Business op JoHo WorldSupporter
Practice Exam 2015/2016: Cross-Cultural Management - RUG - Study test and exam questions
Ernest Renan (1882) “What is a nation?” This is the text of a lecture Renan gave in 1882 in Leiden, The...
International Business Environment Practice Exam Questions - IB - Groningen - Study test and exam questions
Questions Question 1 If a country exports the good that it can produce at a low opportunity cost and imports...
Practice Exam 1 – Financial Accounting for IB/E&BE - Study test and exam questions
Questions Exercise 1 On the balance sheet as of December 31, 2014, Groningen Robotics Corporation...
Practice Exam 2016/2017: Statistics II for IB - UG - Study test and exam questions
Questions Question 1 Which of the following statments is TRUE? Both a bar chart and a...
Practice Exam 2015/2016: Statistics II for IB – UG - Study test and exam questions
Part 1 - Multiple choice questions Question 1 Which of the following statements on type i and type II...
Foreign Direct Investment, Trade & Geography - International Business - Practice Exam - Study test and exam questions
Questions part 1 Multiple choice questions Question 1 Which of the following statements...
ExamTests with Business History complexities and comparisons by Amatori and Colli - Study test and exam questions
These questions are based on Business History by Amatori 2011. The answers you can find in the respective...
Aantekeningen, artikelen, tips en studiehulp voor International Business
Summaries: the best definitions, descriptions and lists of terms for international business & strategy - Study terms and glossary
International Business & Strategy: The best concepts summarized A short introduction to the best concepts of...
Article summaries on Small businesses and Entrepreneurial economy - Summary of scientific article
Summaries on 'Small businesses and Entrepreneurial economy' written for an Internation Business course, donated in 2015...
What is international business? - Study definition
International business is the field of study that focuses on the commercial activities that transcend national borders....
What is business strategy? - Study definition
Business strategy, as a field of study, delves into the art and science of making long-term decisions that shape an...
Lectures of International Business Law (2014-2015) - Summary of notes
  Chapter A: First insight   International law = The body of legal rules and norms that...
Lectures Global Political Economy (2014-2015) - Summary of notes
Lecture 1 (Thursday 16-04-2015) Lecturer went to George Tech (this University is in the top 10 of the...
Lecture notes Global Supply Chain Management - RUG - International Business - Summary of notes
These lecture notes are based on the subject Global Supply Chain Management of 2015-2016. Lecture 1...
International Business Environment - Lecture Notes - 2014/2015 - Summary of notes
Lecture 1   This lecture will discuss trade theory basics: the supply and demand model and...
Ethics and International Business - Lecture Notes 2014-2015 - Summary of notes
Lecture 1- Monday 13 April “Chapter 1 and 2” > Introduction The lecture started with the trolley...
Ethics and International Business - Lecture Notes 2014-2015 - Summary of notes
Lecture 1- Monday 13 April “Chapter 1 and 2” > Introduction The lecture started with the trolley...
Studiegidsen en assortimentwijzers op JoHo WorldSupporter
Organisaties voor op JoHo WorldSupporter
Kienhuis Legal - German desk
Kienhuis Legal biedt juridisch advies aan ondernemers en overheden met hun team van notarissen en advocaten. Via hun...
Alfa Farm
Alfa Farms is een organisatie die via de veehouderij en zuivelsector bijdraagt aan de economische ontwikkeling van...
ESJ Accountants en Belastingadviseurs
ESJ Accountants en Belastingadviseurs (Financial Engineering) biedt financiële adviesverlening voor vrijwel elk...
Organizations: for real estate, brokerage abroad and property rental abroad
Organizations for real estate, brokerage abroad and property rental abroad... selectie bij het thema International Business
2.0. Themes & Start
Economie en bedrijfseconomie studeren en stage in het buitenland
Bedrijfskunde en organisatie studeren en stage in het buitenland
Internationale organisaties en internationale betrekkingen studeren en stage in het buitenland
Management en leiderschap studeren en stage in het buitenland
Communicatie en marketing studeren en stage in het buitenland
Sales & Verkoop: opleiding tot studeren in het buitenland
International Business & Internationale zaken - studie en kennis
Interculturele en internationale communicatie studeren en stagelopen in het buitenland
Werken in het buitenland op het gebied van management en organisatie via betaald werk, stage en vrijwilligerswerk
5.2. Chapters
Samenvatting van International Economics van Pugel
Wat is bedrijfskunde en organisatiewetenschap?
Samenvatting van Cross-Cultural Management van Thomas & Peterson
Samenvatting van International Economics and Business Nations and Firms in the Global Economy van Beugelsdijk et al.
Samenvatting van International Business Strategy van Verbeke
Samenvatting van Operations and Supply Chain Management: The Core van Jacobs & Chase
Samenvatting van Business History: complexities and comparisons van Amatori & Colli
Samenvatting van Global Business van Peng
Samenvatting van Business Ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization van Crane & Matten
Samenvatting van Global Political Economy: Evolution and Dynamics van O'Brien & Williams
1.0. Services & Products
Samenvattingen en studiehulp voor bedrijfskundige en economische opleidingen


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