Study guide with The Science of Consciousness
Online summaries and study assistance with The Science of Consciousness by Harley
- For Booksummary with the 2021 edition of The science of Conscioussness, see: Samenvatting bij The Science of Consciousness
- For Booksummary with the 2021 edition of The science of Conscioussness, see: Summary with The Science of Consciousness
- For all available summaries with The Science of Consciousness by Harley, see Study guide with The Science of Consciousness by Harley
Studying The Science of Consciousness by Harley
The book The Science of Consciousness explains everything we currently know and believe about consciousness. The book is written by Trevor A. Harley, a Professor of Psychology at the University of Dundee. The book is appropriate for psychology and philosophy courses in consciousness and cognitive psychology, so it is written for a broad audience. It uses a multidisciplinary approach, from social sciences to biological sciences to computer science to philosophy. The book has a theoretical framework and strong foundations in neuroscience, but also incorporates religious standpoints and philosophical ideas. Little prior knowledge is assumed.
The chapters are grouped into three parts. The first part is about the nature of consciousness. It tries to explain what consciousness is. This part consists of chapters 1-5. The second part is about the workings of consciousness. It tries to explain how consciousness arises from the brain, and how it is related to cognitive and perceptual processing. This part consists of chapters 6-10. The last part is about the states of consciousness other than normal waking consciousness. It tries to show what we can learn from altered states of consciousness. This part consists of chapters 11-17. Chapter 18 summarizes what we know about the complex topic of consciousness.
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