internationaal stagecontract
- Als je voor een stage naar het buitenland wordt gestuurd, teken je vaak een internationaal stagecontract.
In een internationaal stagecontract kunnen de volgende punten opgenomen worden:
- I accept the internship that has been offered to me by … In consideration of my participation I hereby agree to the following:
- I accept that … will not pay me for my internship and that all the expenses connected with it, including travel and related costs, must be borne by me or my sponsoring Government or institution.
- I accept that there is no expectation of employment at the end of my internship.
- I understand that … accepts no responsibility for costs arising from accidents and/or illness incurred during this internship.
- Prior to travel, it is my responsibility to consult my/our family physician regarding immunizations or other precautions to protect against travel-related illnesses.
- It is my responsibility to be sure I am covered by a policy of comprehensive health and accident insurance that provides coverage for any injuries or illnesses I may experience during my travel. I will not hold …, its directors or officers liable for any injuries, illnesses, claims, damages, charges, bills, and/or expenses I may incur related to health or accident issues while travelling through …
- I understand that I am myself responsible for obtaining necessary visas relating to my internship service. …will only support the visa process should I encounter difficulties in making the arrangements or when this is required by the authorities concerned. It is further understood that upon my arrival in a … office, the Office will provide me with an internal "Attestation" for use with outside authorities.
- I grant to … or any of its representatives full authorization to take any action deemed necessary to protect my health and safety at my expense, including, but not limited to, placing me under the care of a doctor or hospital for medical examinations and/or treatment, or returning me to … if such return is deemed necessary after consultation with medical authorities.
- I understand that … reserves the right to make changes to the Internship at any time and for any reason, with or without notice, and … shall not be liable for any loss to me because of any such cancellation or change. Any additional expenses resulting from penalties assessed by airlines because of operational or itinerary changes are my responsibility. … reserves the right to substitute housing of a similar category at any time. Specific room and housing assignments are at the sole discretion of ….
- I accept to conduct myself at all times in a manner compatible with my responsibilities as the holder of a … Internship. This includes becoming familiar with the … Code of Conduct and my signature below confirms that I shall abide by its principles.
- I accept to keep confidential any and all unpublished information made known to me by … during the course of my internship and not to publish any reports or papers on the basis of information obtained during the internship, except with the prior authorisation of …
- I accept to provide written notice in case of illness, absence or other unavoidable circumstances which might prevent me from participating in or completing the internship.
- I accept to provide my address at the duty station to … as well as the name and address of the person to be contacted in case of emergency.
- I agree that … may use video and/or photographs that may be taken of me during the period of my participation in the Internship for whatever purposes it wishes.
- At the end of the internship period I will submit a report on my activities as an intern and to return all the items in my possession belonging to …(e.g. security passes, etc.);
- I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and will abide by each of the terms and conditions of this agreement.
- I realize that all deposits are non refundable and cannot be transferred to another person.
- I understand that if any of the above is not adhered to, … may decline to issue a letter of reference regarding the internship.
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Stage in het buitenland en vacatures voor stagelopen in het buitenland
Partners: met impact
JoHo: crossroads in spotlight
- 1 of 4
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