The Health Center
- Period: 2017 -2021
- Project: Bearing great news last 2017, all the planning and hard work bore fruit as we established our health center in collaboration with the residents of the slum of Baseco. On 13 May, the newly constructed community health center began its arduous task of attempting to treat about 4.000 adults and children for the first 12 months and consequently increase the number as the years progress. This is approximately 15-20 residents a day, 6-days a week. As we provide free health care to the people, we will also provide them with skills and knowledge to avoid and prevent diseases and to be able to live healthy lives in the best way possible given their dire situation. Smokey Tours also provides a livelihood to community trained health care workers who would otherwise be peeling garlic for a living and earning a measly PhP 60 a day.
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JoHo & Smokey Projects
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JoHo: crossroads via de bundel
- Smokey Projects - The Slum Tours
- Smokey Projects - The Safety in the Slums
- Smokey Projects - The Training Center
- Smokey Projects - The Waste Recycling
- Smokey Projects - The Community Library
- Smokey Projects - The Art Center
- Smokey Projects - The Health Center
- Smokey Projects - Insurances for Talent
- JoHo donaties and projectsteun: content en thema's
Partners: met impact
JoHo: crossroads in spotlight
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