The TEFL course consists of a combination of various modules.
Online TEFL Course
- With this 'job ready' professional course you will do the basic course and develop your skills. This will help you to deepen your lessons, make them more interactive and deal with different student levels. Moreover, it helps you to market yourself as a TEFL teacher.
Add a practical weekend
- The practical weekend is a quick way to gain a lot of practical experience. Under the guidance of a professional teacher, you will go over and practice practical situations with your fellow students using the “10 core teaching skills”. The TEFL teacher helps to instill in you the confidence and skills that make you a good TEFL teacher.
- With a group of up to 20 students you work through practical teaching situations during two days (Saturday and Sunday) and make a reflection assignment afterwards.
- When applying for a TEFL combi course, you immediately choose the dates on which you want to participate in the practical weekend.
Add specialist courses
- There are some lucrative TEFL jobs out there, and they're looking for the right people with the right training to fill them. That’s why there is a range of specialist modules, designed by our expert TEFL tutors, which give you extra training to fulfil the current needs of the TEFL world and to boost your potential salary.
- Whether you're just starting out on your TEFL journey, or you've finished your TEFL course already, these specialist modules will benefit you. You don't even need to be enrolled in one of the TEFL courses, you can still benefit from this additional training.
Gerelateerde pagina's
TEFL Course through JoHo: Teaching English as Foreign Language (EN)
Relaties en meer lezen
JoHo: crossroads via de bundel
- TEFL course through JoHo
- Who teaches with TEFL?
- Is the TEFL course accredited and acknowledged worldwide?
- What kind of feedback will I receive during the course?
- Are there any admission requirements to be able to participate in a TEFL course?
- What kind of facilities do I need to be able to do the online course?
- TEFL courses & modules
- What is the difference between a Level 3 and a Level 5 TEFL course?
- Can I change the date of my TEFL practical weekend after the booking?
- Which TEFL course is suitable for me?
- Which TEFL course should I choose?
- Advice TEFL courses
- What is the difference between the online TEFL course and the practical weekend?
- When does the TEFL course officially start?
- What is included in the TEFL course price?
- Can I pay for the TEFL course in terms?
- Can I extend the online TEFL course?
- Are practical teaching situations also part of the online course?
- What is the difference with online TEFL courses I find elsewhere?
- How long will it take until my assignments are revised?
- Do I need to save the assignments I completed in the online course?
- Can I also book separate modules or add modules to my course after I got started?
- What can I do if I loose my certificate?
- Does my certificate expire?
- Will there be an examination at the end of the TEFL course?
- How will I receive my TEFL certificate?
- TEFL course (EN) - Toolbundle
TEFL Course through JoHo: Teaching English as Foreign Language (EN)
Partners: met impact
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