What kind of online volunteer tasks can you work on?

If you've got access to a computer, thousands of different volunteer projects and roles are available to you — from your home, the library, a coffee shop, anywhere with an Internet connection.

Typical volunteer oportunity themes:

  • Research and analysis
  • Writing and editing
  • Translation
  • Design
  • Project development and management
  • Training and coaching
  • Consulting
  • IT development
  • Coordination and facilitation
  • Develop, update, or manage the website for an organization or social, environmental, or political effort
  • Mentor a young person
  • Create a blog, podcast, video, or social networking profile for a nonprofit organization or grassroots movement
  • Staff a crisis hotline for domestic violence, suicide, or other critical issue
  • Review and provide feedback on an organization's strategic plan, marketing strategy, safety and security procedures, or website
  • Write a grant, get the word out on fundraising, or send emails and make phone calls to current or potential donors


  • And while it's often called online or virtual volunteering, getting involved remotely doesn't have to require an Internet connection. For example, you can use a cell phone to tag photos, text locations of community features like bicycle lanes or public parks, or even check in on and stay connected in an accessible way with a young person you're mentoring.
  • Your skills could be a programming knowledge, good writing ability, experience in project management, knowledge of another language, expertise in law or education or another profession, or simply the time to offer expert advice or answer email for the host organization. Online volunteering is perfect if you have limited time or no transportation, and also opens up exciting opportunities for disabled volunteers.
  • Online volunteers undertake a variety of assignments for organizations: translations, research, web design, data analysis, database construction, proposal writing, editing articles, online mentoring, publication design, moderating an online discussion group, or any other services that can be done through computer networks.

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JoHo 'chapter 'pagina


Wat vind je op een JoHo 'chapter' pagina?

  •   JoHo chapters zijn tekstblokken en hoofdstukken rond een specifieke vraag of een deelonderwerp

Crossroad: volgen

  • Via een beperkt aantal geselecteerde webpagina's kan je verder reizen op de JoHo website

Crossroad: kiezen

  • Via alle aan het chapter verbonden webpagina's kan je verder lezen in een volgend hoofdstuk of tekstonderdeel.

Footprints: bewaren

  • Je kunt deze pagina bewaren in je persoonlijke lijsten zoals: je eigen paginabundel, je to-do-list, je checklist of bijvoorbeeld je meeneem(pack)lijst. Je vindt jouw persoonlijke  lijsten onderaan vrijwel elke webpagina of op je userpage
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